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Yes! The pinewood derby does happen all over the world where there are Boy Scouts.

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Q: Does the pinewood derby happen all over the world?
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How big is average pinewood derby stop stick?

If you are referring to the stop section on a Pinewood Derby track, the average length is about 4 feet; however, if you are good at making fast Pinewood Derby cars, it will take nearly double this length to safely stop your car. Because of this most Pinewood Derby races place a pillow or a jacket at the end of the stop section to abruptly stop those cars that over shoot the stop sections.

Why is the Pinewood derby rigged?

What makes you think that it is rigged? If you have the same people win your Pinewood Derby over and over, it is most likely because they are putting more efforts into their cars. When this begins to happen at a Pack, the Pack needs to offer workshops that can raise the bar, so that all racers can compete fairly at the elevated level. If the Pack doesn't do anything, people will lose interest in competing in the derby and before you know it, only the winners will be the ones showing up to race. This scenario has killed many good Pinewood Derbies in scouting. It is not enough now-a-days for a Pack to hand out kits and say "see you all on race day!" Packs must offer a competitive program that allow racers to build competitive cars. It is the Pack that is letting down it's members when failing to create a fair enviroment.

What is a connected axel of a pinewood derby?

A "connected axle" in Pinewood Derby is a continuous axle rod that goes from one side of the car to the other. They are usually found in "PineCar" brand kits and require small plastic caps at each end of the rod in order to hold the wheels in place. Check your rules if you are planning to use "connected axles". Most well written Pinewood Derby rules usually will NOT allow this type of axle to be used. Standard Pinewood Derby axles are small nails that are used to hold each tire in place (four of them in the standard kit). These are usually the preferred axle of choice. If your rules do not state a specific kit brand or mention the use of specific axle parts, you may be able to use the "connected axle" on your car; however, I do NOT usually find these axles to be an advantage over the nail type axles. Mostly because the small plastic caps are of poor quality and often fall off during racing which allows the wheels to fly off the car. I am surprised that none of the third party marketers in Pinewood Derby have come up with a solution to the solid axle (aka connected axle) problem.

What kind of paint should you use on a pinewood derby race car?

Actually any kind of paint can be used on a Pinewood Derby car, as long as you take the time to let it dry properly. Now some paints do not stick directly to wood very well or soak into the wood requiring several coats. In this case you need to paint the car with a primer paint first, then paint the car with the paint of your choosing. Also when wanting to put a glossy shine to your car, you need to be very careful of the sealer you use over the paint. Not all sealers and paints are compatible, and I've seen sealers ruin very good paint jobs in the past. The best method for all paints is to test them on a piece of scrap wood first to make sure they are going to produce the desired look. If they look good on the scrap wood, then they will most likely look good on your Pinewood Derby car.

When did pinewood derbies become popular in scouting?

Don Murphy, at the time Cub Master of Pack 280C in Manhattan Beach Ca, invented the pinewood derby as a way "to devise a wholesome, constructive activity that would foster a closer father-son relationship and promote craftsmanship and good sportsmanship through competition." He coined the term pinewood derby and invented the kit featuring a carve-able soft pine block, some nails and some wheels in a brown paper bag. He convinced his employer, North American Aviation, to sponsor the event (they paid for the kits) and some fathers in his pack built the original two lane 31 foot track complete with an electric finish line to identify the winner. The first derby was held in 1953 and became an almost instant success with it being copied by the Los Angeles County Dept. of Recreation later that year. The national organization featured "the derby" in the October 1954 issue of Boy's Life and requested that Murphy make "his materials" available for it. The derbies have changed surprisingly little in the 60 years since inception and are still regarded as one of Cub Scouting's most popular and iconic events. It is estimated that over 43 million scouts have participated in pinewood derbies.

Can webelos II participate in pinewood derby?

Sure they can! Just make sure that the kits are handed out prior to your Webelo II crossing over. Then if your Webelo II group crosses over before your race, make sure you announce to them that they are all invited to come back on race day and race with the Pack. We have our Webelo II's race with our Pack every year and they have an absolute blast with it!

Where does comic relief happen?

all over the world

Should you graphite the wheel tread on a pinewood derby car?

Dry lubricant is the only allowable lube by standard BSA rules. Graphite is a dry lube and it will not dry out. Do not mix dry and wet lubricants. They will not work well together. Although graphite does not dry out over time, it can in fact draw moisture from the air it is exposed to over time. This all depends on the humidity levels of the air that the car/graphite is being stored in. If the graphite draws moisture it will start to act like a paste and slow the car down by placing more friction on the axles. I always recommend re-graphiting your wheel just before any race.

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When in the world did this happen? China hasn't been taken over.


They are held all over the world but the oldest one in the U.S. is the American Dog Derby held in Ashton, Idaho.

How many Justins are there in the world?

There are over MILLIONS of justins in the world. i happen to know 4.

What is Louisville famous for?

the city of Louisville KY is known for the Kentucky derby at Churchill down and the events leading up to the derby which is called the derby festival it includes the steam boat race, the hot air ballon race and thunder over Louisville