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It can, provided there is a suitable water source.

The platypus lives alongside freshwater rivers, lakes and creeks in eastern Australia. The Great Dividing Range runs down the eastern coast of Australia, through the heart of platypus habitat. Platypuses live particularly within heavily wooded and protected regions. They are found from the cooler sub-alpine areas in the south, such as Victoria and the Tasmanian highlands, north through New South Wales to tropical far north Queensland. They live in bushland as well as tropical, sub-tropical and temperate rainforests. All of these as can be found in mountainous regions.

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No. The platypus does not live in India. It is found only in Australia, specifically, the eastern half of the continent.

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Yes, because dogs live about 15 years while platypus live only about 10.

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No. The platypus does not live or move in packs. It is a solitary animal.

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The platypus is a solitary animal. It does not live in social groups.

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The Platypus does live in Eastern Australia

What do you use a platypus for?

One does not use a platypus for anything. One allows it to live in peace in the wild.

Does a platypus live in the Pacific?

The platypus lives in eastern Australia. Australia is in the South Pacific. So it could be said that platypuses live in the Pacific, but they do not live in the ocean. They are freshwater animals.

Does a platypus lay eggs or live young?

A platypus reproduces by laying eggs. Like the echidna, it is a monotreme.

Why is a platypus a carnivore?

A platypus is a carnivore because it eats tiny crustaceans and larvae that live on the bottom of creeks and rivers.

What characteristics do the bear lion and house cats have that the platypus does not have?

They give birth to live babies, but the platypus lays eggs.