

Does the pope need to live in celibacy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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According to current Church law, the pope does need to live in celibacy. This is a law of the Church, however, and can be changed by the Church.

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Q: Does the pope need to live in celibacy?
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AnswerAs Pope and leader of the Roman Catholic Church, John Paul II believed in celibacy for all clergy, and for all persons outside marriage.

Was it the Eastern Church or Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy?

It was the Western Church that accepted the authority of the pope and celibacy. This led to the Great Schism in 1054, which resulted in the separation of the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the East. The Eastern Orthodox Church did not recognize the authority of the pope and allowed married clergy.

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He didn't get married. Priests (and transitional deacons, bishops, popes, etc) take a vow of celibacy.

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No. Most of the people who work and live in Vatican City have taken a vow of celibacy. No pope, cardinal, archbishop, bishop, monsignor, priest, nun or monk is allowed to marry anyone. Even members of the Swiss Guard, who protect the pope, are forbidden to marry.

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St. Peter, the first Pope, brought Christ to see his in-laws, so one can infer that the first Pope was married. Priestly celibacy was never mandatory until much much later, though always heartily encouraged.

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The pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

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th practices that were adopted as a feature of the russian orthodox were christianity, monothesism and the pope. the features not adopted were the crerical celibacy

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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI does not live in Australia. He lives in Vatican City.

What Does Vatican II tell about Celibacy?

Pope Paul VI addressed this question in full at the end of the Second Vatican Council, he issued Sacerdotalis Caelibatus which covered all the different facets of priestly celibacy. That it was from the ancient Church, that is has a deep theological significance, and that the Church is not about to change its stand on this, for more information see the link below.

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Celibacy celibacy celibacy! Wait until marriage to have a boyfriend or Allah will hurt you violently.