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Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

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14y ago

Typically, the minimum degree requirement for a psychologist is a master's degree. However, most practicing psychologist, and those involved in research have a PhD (doctorate).

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Yes, a psychologist is a degreed position

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Q: Does the position of a psychologist require a 4 year degree?
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You'll need at least a four-year degree to become a psychologist. Some positions require even more schooling.

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Depends on what you mean by "full" child psychologist. If you want to do therapy with kids, then sure, a masters degree will suffice. For research and therapy, you will have to get a Ph.D.

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the salary for a psychologist with a masters degree will vary depending on experience and location worked. They average about $67,650 per year.

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The salary of a psychologist with a doctoral degree varies based on factors like experience, location, and sector of employment. On average, a psychologist with a doctoral degree can earn around $80,000 to $100,000 per year. Those working in private practice or specialized fields may earn higher salaries.

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There are a wide range of jobs available in state hospitals, ranging from nursing, to human resources, to psychology. Depending on what degree you have or what position you want, the salaries are varied. Psychologist can earn upwards of $100,000 a year.

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