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Yes, manatees do live in warm water areas.

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Q: Does the sea cow live in warm water?
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They live in shallow, warm water and warm tropical oceans.

Do sea monkeys need warm water to live?

Sea-monkeys can live in temperatures from 60 degrees to 80 degrees. Thanks!

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Do leafy sea dragon live in warm water'?

yes the water has to be at least 74 degrees Fahrenheit

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Sea lions and angelfish live in different places. The angelfish in warm water and the sea lion in cold water, so will never meet in nature.

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Apart from the sea, they generally prefer warm waters-and they tend to live in salty water but some types can live in fresh water.:)yay!

What does sea cow eat?

Since the Sea cow lives under water it eats aquatic plants, and its a total herbivore.

Where did the steller's sea cow live?

in the ocean and beach and river

Can the sea water be warm in Antarctica?

If you consider not frozen to be warm, then yes.

Are sea lions more active in warm water or cold water?

Between cold and warm

Does a dolphin live in sea water?

Yes Dolphins and Sea Otters live in sea water.

Where do Sea Dragons live?

Sea dragons tend to live in warm waters (due to being coldblooded) with lots of fish and other prey. They stay in deep waters, preferring not to come into shallow, sandy water of beaches and reefs.