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Q: Does the shape and size affect the flight and landing of a parachute?
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The bigger the envelope\balloon is the slower you will go like a parachute

Does the shape of a airplane wing affect the flight?

Yes the shape of an airplane wing will affect the flight. Angles and shapes will always be a huge factor.

Identify one factor that would affect the time of a parachutes fall?

The surface area, mass and the shape of the parachute affect the time of fall of the parachutes. Also the height, where the parachute have been dropped from. ( There are more factors that this).

Does wing shape affect flight?

Yes. Wing shape affects flight. If the wing is more aerodynamic then a plane can fly more faster.

How does the shape of a parachute affect how long it stays in the air?

Hey' I just did an experiment for grade 11 physics that i designed where i investigated the shape and size of the parachute. The shape of the parachute doesn't effect how long it stays in the air much. The main thing that the shape effects is the stability and the less stable the parachute the faster the person will fall. That is why parachutes are in that banana rectangle shape so that there is more stability to glide through the air, like a bird. As the shape changes how much drag there is. Circles are pure drag and take the longest to fall. McPhysics

Does wing dimension affect the flight of butterflies?

The length of a wing will affect the flight motion. The shape of the wing is also another factor that affects the speed of the flight.

Can the shape of the plane affect it's flight?

Yes, planes are effected by shape just like cars.

How does the size or shape of a parachute affect the way it works?

If the hole is bigger the parachute speed will decrease

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Not really the shape, but things like large fins or wings can be knocked off in hard landings.

How does the shape of an airplane's fuselage affect its flight?

An airplane's fuselage affects it flight by a lot. It can change its speed, maneuverability, angle of attack, and even its necessary-for-flight wing size.

Does a shape of a kite affect its flight?

i am still reacerching........i am still reacerching........

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