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They are animals, their instinct tells them to eat food, the first food they come over, so they eat that fish

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11y ago

Because they are adapted to filter feed. Their teeth are tiny and would be no use for large prey which they would be unable to chew and would have to swallow whole.

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Q: Does the shark harm the cleaner fish?
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If a cleaner fish pick bits of food from between a shark's teeth what relationship is that?

Since the shark & cleaner fish are benefited because the shark's teeth is being cleaned and the cleaner fish itself has food, the relationship between the two is called mutualism. improve

What fish can harm the great white shark?

No fish can harm a white shark. In nature, size is truly important. Maybe a tiger shark can do it, because of its aggressivity, but they live separately.

What kind of fish is Oscar from shark tales?

Oscar , voiced by Will Smith , is a bluestreak cleaner wrasse .

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Juvenile fish are called fry or fingerlings.

What type of shark lets fish swim by it to get its left overs?

the lemon shark is best known for this but most sharks over 2ft will allow these cleaner fish to eat the dead skin and parasites of their body's.

What can harm or hunt a clown fish?

Well like any other predator.. A shark. I'm not a marine biologist lol but I know a shark would try to eat a clown fish. Hoped I helped you out. :)

What small fish swim with large fish?

One example would be a 'cleaner wrasse' and a shark. The wrasse - a small fish, sticks close to the shark because it gets protection from the larger shark - in return, it picks of parasites from the sharks skin - which it eats. It's called a symbiotic relationship - both fish benefit from the presence of the other.

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a shark

What natural disasters can harm a shark?

A hurricane could easily harm a shark.

Is shark a reptile?

No, the shark is a fish

What is the cheapest Shark carpet cleaner?

There are many variables to consider when finding the cheapest Shark carpet cleaner. The cheapest Shark carpet cleaner on the internet can be found at Best Buy for around $99.

Shark is to fish dolphin is to?

Shark is to fish dolphin is to mammal.