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Q: Does the size of the atom affect the size of a mole?
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Related questions

Is an atom bigger than a mole?

An atom is a component of matter; mole is a unit for the amount of substance in SI. Of course a mole of atoms is bigger than a single atom.

Does the mass of the atom effect the size of the mole?

A mole represents a number of Avogadro's Constant. It is same as naming 12 units a dozen. It is not related with the weight of atoms, molecules, ions or compounds.

What is 1 gram of atom?


What weighs more one mole of oxygen or one mole of sodium?

One atom of sodium weighs more than one atom of oxygen. Thus, one mole of sodium weighs more than one mole of oxygen.

What is the relationship between an Atoms mass and one mole of that atom?

If the Atomic Mass of an atom is x, then the mass of 1 mole of the atoms is x gram.

What unit is used to measure the mass of an atom?


What is the mass of calcium atom compared with the mass of helium atom?

The weighted atomic mass of calcium is 40.1 g/mole and helium is 4.0 g/mole

How do you find mole in atom?

1 mole has 6,022 141 29(27)×1023 atoms.

Why one mole of hydrogen and one mole of H-atom have different masses?

The hydrogen molecule is diatomic, H2.

Why are coefficients used in chemical equations?

to determine the mole of the atom

Why do you say electrons most affect an atom's size while protons and neutrons most affect an atom's mass?

because the electron are on the out side and orbit around the nucleus (aka protons and neutrons) and take up the space

What is Mwt?

Mwt means molecular weight (the larger number on the atom on the periodic table). It is the weight per mole of atom (or compound), and thus, it's units are gram per mole