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Q: Does the sphinx have a temple between its legs?
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What does the Sphinx protect against?

Depends on whose Sphinx: The Egyptian Sphinx was said to guard the tombs of the pharohs. Some also claim it may have been the site (or marker) for a secret temple. The Greeks also had a sphinx (taken from the Egyptian model) from which we get the classic riddle "What walks on four legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon and three legs in the evening" (I'm not gonna give you the answer. Have to go find it yourself :p). This sphinx would devour anyone who was unable to answer her riddle, finally being beaten by Oedipus.

What is the pyramid behind the sphinx?

Working east there is the pyramid of Khafre then Funerary Temple of Khafre which is linked by a cause way to the Great Sphinx which is facing east at the Temple of the Sphinx.

Where is Sphinx?

In Egypt at the temple of Giza.

Where is the Sphinx and pyramids?

The Great Sphinx at Giza, lies northwest of the Valley Temple of the Pyramid Complex of Khefren.Right in front of the Sphinx, and directly north of the Valley Temple, an open structure was erected. As this structure appears to be very closely related to the Sphinx, archaeologists consider it to be the Sphinx Temple, but the precise function of this unique structure remains unclear to this date.

Why is the Sphinx of Giza so big?

The Sphinx is big because the temple is big on the inside.

Why is the Great Sphinx used to block the entrance to the Nile Valley?

This is not the purpose of the sphinx - Generally the role of sphinxes was as temple guardians; they were placed in association with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The great Sphinx is positioned at the Temple of the Sphinx and at the end of the cause way leading from the Funerary Temple of Khafre.

In Oedipus the king what is the riddle of the Sphinx?

The "riddle of the Sphinx" is: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the middle of the day, and three at night?

Where are the offerings on Mythology Island?

The offering for the Temple of Hades is pomegranates from the Garden of the Sphinx (far left). The offering for the Temple of Poseidon is the starfish that you find on the Poseidon statue in the museum.

What is the answer to the riddle of the sphinx?

The riddle of the sphinx is: what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and3 in the evening? The answer is MAN - Walks on 4 legs as an infant 2 legs as an adult and 2 legs + a cane in the elderly years.

Where are the pomergranits in Poptropica?

it is in the garden of sphinx, right from the Minotaur's temple. (minotaur's temple at the top left)

Why was the Great Sphinx built to guard and protect the Great Pyramids of Giza?

Generally the role of sphinxes was as temple guardians; they were placed in association with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The great Sphinx is positioned at the Temple of the Sphinx and at the end of the cause way leading from the Funerary Temple of Khafre.

What is the rittle of the sphinx?

The riddle of the sphinx is What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?