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Q: Does the sun's gravity keep Earth from flying off into space?
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Why does everything inside of a galaxy remain in place instead of flying off into space?

Well, to tell the truth, everything inside a galaxy is actually flying off in space. Everything that is anything is flying off in space. Space is the thing that everything is in. What does tend to keep things together is gravity. So as things inside a galaxy are flying around in space, gravity keeps them from flying off in their own direction.

Without gravity of the sun the earth would?

just fly and keep on flying.

What if the sun did'nt have gravity?

then all of the planets will just fly away in space they will just keep on flying.

How does gravity affect the movement of the moons?

Earths gravity keeps the moon from flying off in the same way the sun keeps earth in balance.

Why is the moon in space?

Because of gravity. Everything in space is there because it defied gravity. And I'm not saying that the moon was once on earth. God must have put it there to keep us wondering how it got there.

How does the sun's gravity affect the earth?

The suns gravity can only be part of the answer as to its affect upon the earth. If there were only the suns gravity then we would be pulled into it. Thankfully we have all of the other heavenly bodies which work together to keep us where we are in our own particular place in space.

What force keeps the moon from flying away from the earth?

Gravity keeps the moon in a steady orbit around the Earth. We might not seem to be moving very fast but we are moving quite fast. Fill a bucket half way full with water, hold on to the handle and spin around, notice that the water doesn't go flying out. That your movement in a circle keeping the water in place. Same with the moon. We are moving fast in a circle around the sun, our gravity is balenced so that we keep the moon from flying away from the Earth and into space.

Explain how earth's mass is related to its ability to have an atmosphere?

The Earth has an atmosphere because it has the gravity necessary to keep the gases from floating off into space. The more mass a planet has, the more gravity it has, and the more gravity it has, the thicker an atmosphere it can sustain.

How do gravity and inertia work together in the solar system?

The Earth's gravity is trying to pull the Moon towards the Earth. However, the Moon has inertia. It is trying to move in a straight line. If the Moon had no "sideways" velocity it would fall onto the Earth. In fact the Earth's gravity is needed just to bend the direction of the Moon's path and make the Moon orbit the Earth instead of flying off into space. This becomes clear if you do the mathematics, but that's the basic idea.

Why do astronauts not go into space when they are on the moon?

The moon has gravity like the earth but not as powerful, yet enough to keep you on the surface

How does gravity keep us tied to the earth?

Large objects in space distort the fabric of space time to a higher degree, causing nearby objects to be pulled towards them.