

Does the sun have craters

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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No the do not have rings or moons. The can appear to have rings when looking throught the atmosphere, but that is an optical illusion.

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8y ago

No, the sun doesn't have craters, since there isn't a solid surface.

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What planet is closer to the sun and has craters?

Mercury is closest to the sun and has craters.

What is that crater on the sun?

There are no craters on the sun.

What are large rocks that go around the sun?

Large rocks that orbit the sun are known as asteroids. They are made up of rock and metal, and most of them reside in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some asteroids can also be found throughout the solar system.

Are there craters on the sun?

No. The sun is a ball of gas and plasma. There is nothing solid in which a crater might form.

What do the sun and the moon don't have in common?

The moon is cold and it has craters . The sun is hot and has lava all over it!

What are some characteristics of Mercury?

Mercury has no atmosphere, is the closet to the sun, and has ice in some craters.

What causes the dark spots on the surface of the moon?

if you mean craters they got there from asteroids that hit the moons surface with a large impact

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Dark marks on the moon?

I am assuming you are referring to the craters in the moon. For thousands and thousands of years, asteroids have been hitting the moon's surface and creating craters. Those craters cast shadows as they do not let light inside of them when the Sun is at an angle, therefore creating "dark marks" on the moon.

How did Galileo contribute to astronomy?

Galileo discovered the sun is the center of the solar system, he improved the telescope, he proved that the moon has craters on it, he claimed Venus has phases, and he observed sun spots on the sun.

What are Galileo's moon observations?

Galileo discovered that between the moons night and day sides the top was sometimes irregular and sometimes the bottom was smooth. He realized the irregularities were because the mountains on the moon.

What portion of the moon is always dark?

There may be deep craters or crevices near the poles where the Sun never shines.