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The surface of the sun is 10 thousand degrees F but the moon is very cold. The surface of the sun is much hotter than the moon's. The moon has many craters.

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Q: How is the surface of the moon different than the surface of the sun?
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How do the shadows on the Moon's surface change as the moon moves from a crescent moon to a full moon?

coz the sun lights up different parts of the moon........ i think

How is sunshine different from moonlight?

Sunshine, or sunlight, comes directly from the sun. Moonlight is the sun's reflection off the Moon's surface.

What percentage of the moon's surface in lit by the sun?

Very slightly more than 50%.

Does the sun is hidden behind the moon at night?

If your question is 'Does the Sun hide behind the Moon at night?' Then no, it doesn't. As the Earth rotates on its axis and orbits the sun, different parts of the Earth are exposed to the Sun's light, this is the reason behind different time zones. For example Australia has a different daytime to ours because the Sun is over that area at a different time to the UK. So to answer your question, the Sun is just in a different area of the Earth at night time. The moon then 'comes up' because the Sun's rays are lighting up the surface of the moon, the rays are direct onto its surface, making it glow.

Does the moon gets more light from the sun than the earth does?

Since the moon does not have an atmosphere, the sunlight that reaches the surface of the moon is more intense than the sunlight that reaches the surface of the Earth after passing through the Earth's atmosphere.

Does the moon have shadows?

Yes moon have do shadows due to the craters and rocks, creating a surface “roughness” that casts shadows.

Why does the moon look like it is different shapes?

because of the amount of sunlight on the surface. The relative position of the moon and the earth and the sun has an effect.

Can you see sun from moon?

Yes, the brightness of the moon is the sun reflecting light off of the moon's surface so te sun reaches the moon.

Whether sun and moon same?

sun and moon different sun bigger, farther, hotter, heavier, brighter than moon sun all gas, moon all rock people been to moon, no people been to sun you can see moon day or night, but you can't see sun at night

What makes it possible to see the Moon from Earth?

to use ur eyes wow really -.-..... Light emitted by the Sun is reflected to Earth by the Moon's surface.

Can stars be seen from the moon when the sun is shining?

No, the moon's surface is too reflective when the light is shining, and therefore the sun's light reflected from the moon's surface blocks any stars from being visible from the surface of the moon by either eye or camera.

Where does Moon light come from?

It is a reflection of the sun's light on the surface of the moon.