

Best Answer

Yes, the sun is orbiting the center of the galaxy.

what? that's a load of rubbish, it IS the center of the galaxy. the MILKY WAY galaxy, that's why there IS a galaxy, because its gravitational pull pulled planets into orbit, thus CREATING one!

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Q: Does the sun orbit something
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How come planets orbit the sun but not others?

If you mean "why don't they orbit other objects in our Solar System", the Sun has most of the mass in our Solar System.

How long does mars have to orbit the sun?

About another 4 billion years. Then the sun will explode and destroy the solar system, including mars. Until then it will have to orbit the sun. If you mean, "How long does it take for Mars to make a full orbit around the sun" (or something similar to that) , its 687 days

Does Pluto orbit the sun every 2.5 Earth years?

The real answer is that PLuto is not a planet and doenst real orbit around something so its not going to orbit the sun in about 25000000000 years. YOU have to know this.

What is the movement in an orbit around something?

The Earth orbiting round the Sun is an example of movement round something.

What do you call it when something goes around the sun?

This is an orbit. Sometimes, people say the object revolves around the sun, or it orbits the sun.

What is the orbital time for the sun?

neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun

How long does it take all the planets to make a complete rotation?

Mercury, Days to orbit sun = 87.97, Years to orbit sun= 0.24 Venus, Days to orbit sun = 224.70, Years to orbit sun= 0.62 Earth, Days to orbit sun = 365.26, Years to orbit sun= 1.00 Mars, Days to orbit sun = 686.97, Years to orbit sun= 1.88 Jupiter, Days to orbit sun = 4331.57, Years to orbit sun= 11.86 Saturn, Days to orbit sun = 10759.22, Years to orbit sun= 29.46 Uranus, Days to orbit sun = 30799.10, Years to orbit sun= 84.32 Neptune, Days to orbit sun = 60190.00, Years to orbit sun= 164.79

How many days are in the suns year?

Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.Planets have years based on the time it takes them to orbit the sun. The sun does not orbit itself, so it does not have a year.

Does the sun orbit the planets or do the planets orbit the sun?

The planets orbit the Sun. The Sun is at the center of our solar system and does not move.

Do moons and asteroids orbit the sun?

Asteroids orbit the sun. Moons orbit planets and planets orbit the sun. So you could say the moons orbit the sun. However, moons are kept in their orbits by the gravity of their planet and planets are kept in orbit by the gravity of the sun. So in that sense, moons do not orbit the sun.

What does orbit meansun and earth?

When something orbits something else, it means that it travels in a circular path around it. In the case of the sun and earth, the earth orbits the sun.

What stars orbit the sun?

Stars do not orbit the sun.