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Q: Does the sun pass through the Ophiuchus constellation?
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What makes a constellation a zodiac constellation?

The zodiac constellations are those on the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun in the sky. There are 13 such signs, which the Sun appears to pass through in a year: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Ophiuchus however is not included in the zodiac.

Is a ophiuchus a zodiac?

Ophiuchus is a constellation the sun passes along the sky, so it is a zodiac constellation, but modern astrology doesn't have anything to do with the constellations anymore. In some areas, Ophiuchus is given a zodiac sign, which looks like a U with a squiggly line through it.

What time of year does sun pass through Virgo?

As of 2016, the Sun appears in the constellation Virgo 16 September - 30 October, late summer to the beginning of fall.

Who is Orion in the zodiac?

Orion is not a constellation included in the zodiac. The Sun does not pass through this sign and it is not on the ecliptic. Orion was a great hunter in Greek mythology.

Why is the 13th sign of the Zodiac not included in Astrology?

Ophiuchus is often mistakenly called the 'thirteenth sign of the zodiac' because the sign is thought of as an additional sign to the the twelve Tropical or Sidereal signs. In fact, Ophiuchus is a Sun-sign in the Real Solar Zodiac, i.e. the Sun can be seen against the stars of Ophiuchus between 30th November and 17th December each year. Ophiuchus is an Ancient Greek constellation. The Serpent Bearer is one of the original Ptolemy constellations, appearing in Al Magest Star Catalogue [c 130 - 170 AD].

What sign is compatible with Ophiuchus?

Ophiuchus is not part of the traditional Zodiac. Although Scorpio is a very prominent constellation (in fact, one of the only ones that is even recognizable as what it is said to be), a lot of the stars lie well to the south of the line marked by the apparent path of the Sun and planets (the ecliptic). That didn't matter to the astrologers -- they called that sector of the sky after the dominant constellation. Astronomers are a little more fussy, and they have established very fixed, rectilinear boundaries between the constellations, and, according to their reckoning, a segment of the ecliptic passes through the segment they label Ophiuchus. (And very little of the ecliptic passes through Scorpio.) However, the astronomers' boundaries are completely irrelevant to astrologers; on top of which, most western astrologers don't even use a form of the Zodiac that lines up with the constellations.

How does Ophiuchus correspond in magical ritual?

Ophiuchus is mentioned in the supposedly "Last Book of Nostradamus". I seen this on the History channel. Nostadamus claims that this mysterious constellation will have something to do with the "End of Days" . The Sun is supposed to allign here between Sagittaurus and Scorpio, which will cause serious problems for mankind's enviroment. As far as corresponding to magical rituals, I would think there is probably an ancient culture that used this particular constellation to predict illnesses of Kings. It is also called the Serpent Tamer. Sun religions such as the Mayan civilization, also may have referred to it. I am not totally sure, but this constellation is part of the lesser known Zodiac signs, and therefore, probably holds a powerful interest to Astrologers, which have always been surrounded by magic, throughout the ages. I wonder why more has not been said about Ophiuchus, especially since the Sun is supposed to be in that constellation December 2012, which is believed by many to be a pivotal point in the Earth's life. Very mysterious and magical perhaps.

What is special about the constelation of Leo?

The Sun does not belong to any constellation. This is because our Earth goes around the Sun. As a result, the Sun moves in the sky relative to the other stars. So, the Sun appears to move through the constellations of the zodiac, which is why you hear that the Sun is in a particular zodiac constellation in a particular month. For example, in September, the Sun is in the constellation of Virgo. In October, it will go to the constellation of Libra, and so on.

Is there really a new zodiac sign?

No, they discovered that the dates that define the horoscopes are not quite accurate. The cusp (borderline dates) of each horoscope is out by a few days, therefore if you are an Aries in the old system, you should also be reading the previous sign, which is pisces, and so on.

What is an interesting fact about opiuchus?

You probably mean Ophiuchus. It starts with the same initial letter as a famous winter constellation with several bright stars and a famous nebula, Orion. There must be something more than that though. Here's a couple of things: Only 4 Supernova explosions have been recorded by astronomers, in our Galaxy. One of them was in Ophiuchus in 1604. It became known as "Kepler's star". The star called "Barnard's star" is also in this constellation. It is the fastest moving star in the sky. Unfortunately you need a telescope to see it, but its movement can be easily detected within an average human lifetime. (Also, the Sun passes through Ophiuchus in its yearly path around the sky, but it's not included in the the Zodiac constellations.)

Is the constellation lit by the sun?

No. Each star in a constellation is a separate 'sun' all its own.

Why is the constellation Taurus the bull only visible in November not in May?

The Sun can not reveal a constellation that it is transiting through. If the Sun is actually in Taurus, this would be during the day time and the constellation would not be visible. At night the Sun is on the opposite side of the zodiac so the opposite sign (Scorpio) would be visible in the night sky.