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Q: Does the the autonomic nervous system typically have thin fibers with little or no myelination?
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Is myelination of the nerve fibers in the Central Nervous System the job of the oligodendrocyte?


What structure is responsible for myelination of the nerve fibers?

In the peripheral nervous system the cell that myelinates an axon is called a Schwann cell. In the central nervous system myelination is carried out by oligodendrocytes.

Is myelination of the nerve fibers in the periphreal nervous system the job of the schwann cell?

Yes, in the CNS it is oligodendrocytes that myelinate axons.

Which division of the autonomic nervous system secretes acetylcholine via cholinergic nerve fibers?

Parasympathetic nervous system .

Which division of the autonomic nervous system is characterized by short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers?

The parasympathetic nervous system has long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers

Which division of the autonomic nervous system is involved in secreting norepinephrine via adrenergic nerve fibers?

Sympathetic nervous system .

What way is the somatic and autonomic nervous systems are similar?

I came on this to figure it out!

Nerve fibers in what division of the autonomic nervous system arise from the brainstem and the sacral region of the spinal cord?


What is a somatic and an autonomic nervous system action?

Somatic is when you move on purpose. Autonomic is when you react without thinking.

What path is taken by the sympathetic fibers of autonomic nervous system?

They are referred to as thoracolumbar outflow and run parallel to the spinal cord in a series on connected ganglion.

Which autonomic motor fibers are carried by the vagus nerve?

Vagus nerve carries parasynpathetic nerve fibers .

Repair of nerve fibers differ in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system?

How does the repair of nerve fibers differ in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system? How does the repair of nerve fibers differ in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system? How does the repair of nerve fibers differ in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system? How does the repair of nerve fibers differ in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system? We can help our nervous systems by improving our reflexes