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Q: Does the top of your foot swell if your ankle is broke?
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Which term means to bend the foot upwards at the ankle?

The top your foot is considered the dorsal side and so bending the foot upwards at the ankle is known as dorsiflexion.

What is the pulse on the foot?

Dorsalis pedis (top of foot) & Posterior tibial (behind ankle on inside of foot)

What is a shoelace kick in soccer?

when you kick the ball on the top of your foot between your toes and ankle, on top of your shoe laces

Where should the bottom hem hit on the foot?

The hem should hit at about the top of your ankle. For Jeans, the bottm hem should be at the ankle, or slightly above the ankle when working outdoors.

What is the common name for metatarsal?

arch of the footAnswerMetatarsal bones are a group of five long bones in the top of the foot, located between the toes and the ankle. A common name would be foot.

Where are the tarsals located?

The tarsal region is related to the tarsus. The tarsus is the ankle joint. This region consists of 7 bones.

What causes feet to hurt when stepping on them also what causes top of foot to swell looking like a large fat deposit?

because it dose

Is there a pressure point in your foot?

Yeah there is a pressure point on your wrist, it is between the wrist bone and the tendon farthest away from it.

What would red itchy bumps that leak clear puss and turn purple on the ankle and top of foot be?

It's your foot getting eaten alive by fungus. Sorry you're going to have to get it cut off.

Where is the ankle?

The structure of the ankle is comprised of many bones, ligaments, and muscles ranging from above the calcaneous(Heel bone) and the top of the footdown to the toes. The "Ankle bone" (bone that protrudes out) is called the malleolus. Most people commonly confuse this for the ankle bone. when it is really one of many.

Where is pain felt when a L5 nerve is pinched?

Pinching of the L5 nerve causes weakness in the big toe and ankle and pain on the top of the foot that may extend up to the buttocks.

Do you need to return your hiking boots if they hurt over the top of your foot while you're breaking them in?

I don't think so - a different pair, or different brand, would likely be the same. Your foot and ankle muscles are adjusting to "something new"