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Q: Does the treatment of osteoporosis includes vitamin D supplements?
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There are many treatments for capillaritis. The treatment for capillaritis includes using grape seed extract, and taking various vitamin K supplements.

What are the best osteoporosis supplements?

Calcium, magnesium, lysine, vitamin D, and vitamin K are apparently the top five best supplements for osteopororsis since they help promote healthy strong bones.

How is vitamin toxicity treated?

In all cases, treatment of vitamin toxicity requires discontinuing vitamin supplements.

Vitamin C supplements are sometimes given to women to help prevent osteoporosis?

Calcium and vitamin c supplements are sometimes given to women to help prevent osteoporosis. Some medication can slow down or stop bone loss and even grow some bone loss back.

Do osteoporosis supplements cure osteoporosis disease?

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for osteoporosis. You can help treat and prevent it by taking calcium, vitamin D, eating healthy, and exercising regularly.

Would vitamin D and calcium supplements be ordered for osteoporosis?

Because vitamin D and calcium build bone mass, and well, osteoporosis means porous bones. So, theoretically, D & calcium fill the holes a little :)

Why would vitamin D and calcium supplements be ordered for osteoporosis?

Because vitamin D and calcium build bone mass, and well, osteoporosis means porous bones. So, theoretically, D & calcium fill the holes a little :)

Whats the treatment for animals with scurvy?

The treatment for animals with scurvy is a vet visit to determine why the vitamin C deficiency is occurring. The treatment will also include vitamin C supplements.

Does Borders sell books about vitamin D osteoporosis treatment plans?

You can definitely find plenty of books about vitamin D osteoporosis treatment plans at Borders as well as at other book stores like Barnes and Noble. You can also look on Amazon and Ebay.

What are the some good vitamin supplements for health?

Some good vitamins supplements to boost someones health includes Vitamin C tablets and Vitamin D tablets. These supplements can be found at your nearest chemist.

How can osteoporosis be treated?

traditionally been treated with calcium and vitamin D supplements, weight-bearing exercise, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

What are good diet and weight loss plans for someone with osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones, therefore foods that are high in calcium and Vitamin D are recommended. This includes dairy (milk, yogurt, etc.) orange juice, and certain cereals to name some. Make sure that they are labeled as calcium fortified. It is also recommended that supplements are taken with meals.