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Perhaps, but it one of the most common causes of this type of odour is due to sexually transmitted infections, such as ghonorrhea or chlamydia. These are cheap and easy to diagnose, and are quickly and easily remedied through medication. Not getting tested for these infections, with such a common symptom, could be dangerous in the long run.

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10y ago

Use of antibiotics, specially broad spectrum antibiotics may kill the normal vaginal flora and may cause growth of pathogenic bacteria. Which may lead to bacterial vaginosis. But this is not probably documented.

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13y ago

You should submit to a general STD screening. Strong vaginal odor is a symptom of common std's. Not to worry, most are easily remedied with medication, but early detection is the key.

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It's normal for your vagina to have a slight odor. But, a strong vaginal odor - for instance, a "fishy" smell - might be abnormal and could indicate a problem. An abnormal vaginal odor is usually associated with other vaginal signs and symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or discharge. Bacterial vaginosis - an overgrowth of normally occurring vaginal bacteria - is the most common vaginal infection that causes a vaginal odor. Trichomoniasis - a sexually transmitted infection - also can lead to vaginal odor. Chlamydia and gonorrhea infections usually don't cause vaginal odors. Neither do yeast infections. If you have the symptom that abnormal, you can make an appointment with your doctor for diagnosis. You can also use fuyan pill for treatment. If you have the same conditon before and you can treat it by yourself...

What is norforms?

Norforms are a suppository that a woman inserts inside her vagina to help eliminate vaginal odor.

Can you use norforms anally?

No, Norforms should not be used anally. They are designed for vaginal use only to help with feminine odor. It is important to follow the instructions on the packaging and use the product only as intended.

What causes vaginal fishy odor if no infection is presant?

If you have vaginal odor that is NOT caused by an ordinary infection, it could be something serious. Many STD's can cause odor, but not have any other physical symtoms. So if you have foul or abnormal vaginal odor it is best to get to the doctor immediately, or take a home detection test. Vaginal odor is most often caused by poor hygein. Though douching disrupts your Ph balance it is good to use one every so often to thouroughly clean yourself. Especially if you are sexually active. I would suggest using water, or a solution of water and vinegar as opposed to a store bought cleanser, as it is better for your system, and cleans JUST as well. Hope this helped. =]

What can you use to clear the smell of chlamydia?

Chlamydia usually doesn't cause an odor. If you have a vaginal discharge or urine with an odor, please contact your health care provider for an exam. Trichomoniasis is also spread through sex, causes an odor, and may be passed from person to person along with chlamydia. The treatments are different.

What if you have Vaginal Odor?

Vaginal odor can be completely normal, as the vagina has its own natural scent. However, any noticeable change in odor, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like itching or discharge, may indicate an infection or other medical condition. It is recommended to see a healthcare provider to determine the cause of the odor and receive appropriate treatment if necessary.

What types of underwear contribute to vaginal odors?

Some Odor IS Normal Most women do have some sort of vaginal odor, depending on what foods are eaten, time of month, and medications. Cotton underwear is best and it shouldn't be too tight. Always wipe front to back to prevent fecal bacteria from spreading. Wash with plain soap and water, gently. Rough washing, rough sex, pants that are too tight, and other trauma can cause damage to the delicate vulvular tissue (the vagina is internal though many people incorrectly use the term to refer to the inner and outer lips), which may lead to infections that cause odors. Use gentle baby wipes to cleanse your genital and anal areas after urinating and/or bowel movements. Do not use powders, sprays, or fragranced products on your delicate groin or anal areas. This will make you feel and smell worse, and can cause serious infections. Estrogen dominance may also cause strong vaginal odors and other health problems, such as PMDD, endometriosis, symptoms mimicking hypothyroidism, as well as major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. If you feel that your vaginal odor is abnormal and is accompanied by discharge, see your doctor. Get regular check ups and trust your instincts about your health. Problems with body odor can be caused by underwear that makes you sweat more, so cotton underwear and proper hygiene with an antibacterial soap such as Dial will help prevent this. A vaginal odor is not normal, it generally indicates some type of vaginal infection. The most common is Bacterial Vaginosis, also know as Haemophilus Vaginitis. This can cause a fishy odor and sometimes a grayish discharge. Your doctor can prescribe a cream to get rid of this, do not douche before seeing your doctor, this will make it more difficult for him to make a diagnosis. You could also have a Sexually Transmitted Disease.

Is their a catch phrase for discouraging use for cocaine?

crack is wack cocaine is lame cocaine is for pussies

What is commonly used to cut cocaine?

what do you use to cut cocaine

Can you use cocaine before working out?

It's dangerous to use cocaine before doing anything. Or after.

What can you use to beat cocaine use 2 days prior to saliva testing?

Don't do cocaine.