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Yes. The disparities are from global warming and the gulf stream.

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No, the Atlantic is the saltiest major ocean.

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Q: Does the water in the Caribbean Sea have more salt than the Atlantic Ocean?
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What ocean borders the Dominican Republic?

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Does the Atlantic Ocean have more fish than the carabbean?

Yes, the Atlantic is much, much bigger than the Caribbean.

What is saltier the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean?

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Which oceans surround barbados?

The Caribbean sea and the Atlantic Ocean surround Barbados The Caribbean sea touches Barbados west coast (thus the water / beaches are more tranquil and easy to swim in) The Atlantic Ocean surrounds the east coast and this is thus more dangerous to swim in (Please don't unless you are a great swimmer.)

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North America has coastlines with both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, so no one ocean can be said to be the closest

What are the Three bodies of water that touch the US?

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What are some bodies of water found in Virginia?

One of them is the Atlantic Ocean, a big body of water. Another is the Chesapeake Bay. A medium mostly small body of water.

What are some major bodies of water in the Bahamas?

The Bahamas are located in and surrounded by the Atlantic ocean.

Are the bahamas part of the caribbean sea?

The Bahamas is the name that is given to a group of island that is located in the Atlantic ocean. It is not a part of the Caribbean and should not be consider part of it. Even thought The Bahamas is a group of islands saying, are the Bahamas part of the Caribbean is saying that there are more than one Bahamas and that is not the case.YES!

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