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yes, because you smell and taste with the olfactory nerve. when you are sick and cant smell... food also tastes very bland

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Q: Does the way we perceive the smell of food affect the way we taste that food?
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If you have asthma does it affect how you taste and smell food?

Having Asthma doesn't affect your sense of smell and taste

How does the human body perceive flavor?

Food doesn't "affect" taste, taste is a property of food.

How do you perceive foods?

You perceive the taste of food with both your tongue and your nose.

How does the smell of food affect taste?

Taste buds on the tongue only detect a limited range of tastes; sweet, sour, salty, bitter, or meaty. Nuances of flavor depend entirely on smell.

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Why do some foods and drinks smell and taste like something disgusting?

because other nasty smelling things nearby will affect the taste of the food you're eating

What process used to perceive a lipid based food?

Gustation...the sense of taste.

Why does food taste better when it can be smelled?

Because if you have a blocked nose cant taste da food and if you dont have a blocked if taste without smell tastelike different if dont smell.

How can you get the smell and taste from food?

u smell it with ur nose and u taste with ur tongue when u lick it

How are the senses taste and smell different?

the sense of smell is, because if you cant smell then you cant taste

What is the physiological process that would be affected by the lack of smell?

The sense of taste would be affected by the lack of smell. The sense of taste influences food preferences and food choices.

Which sense is closely tied to smell?

The sense of taste. When you are attracted to the nice smell of food, you can sometimes taste it in your mouth as if you were eating it!x