

Does the word word count as a word in word documents?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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All words count as words in a word document; Even the word "word." There is even a feature on many computers that lets you count the number of words in an essay you have written. But the confusion here comes from the name: the actual name you are asking about is a Microsoft Word document (with a capital W). Microsoft is the company that created this type of document file, and while it may indeed contain words or pictures and is sometimes called "Word," it refers to the brand name, not to what is in the document.

For example, a teacher might ask students to send their essays in Word. That might sound to a person who is not a user of Microsoft products like the teacher is asking for words. But actually, the request is that the essay be sent in a particular file type (a .doc file, also sometimes called a Word file).

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by making folders and sub-folders where you saving your word documents on hard drive

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You cannot yet get word art on Google documents. But, you can copy and paste images.