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Yes they do. Zebra swallowtails are native the eastern US and southeast Canada.

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Q: Does the zebra swallowtail butterfly live in Ohio?
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What is your states official insects?

I live in Tennessee. We have four official insects. They are the common eastern firefly, 7-spotted ladybug, European honey bee (state agriculture insect) and the zebra swallowtail butterfly (state butterfly).

Does the swallowtail butterfly live in Florida?

Yes. Zebra swallowtails, Eastern Tiger swallowtails, Spicebush swallowtails and Black swallowtails, just to name a few, are all native to Florida.

How do zebra swallowtail butterflies survive?

the live throughout the whole month

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How long does a schaus swallowtail butterfly live?

It lives up to 5-7 months.

Which kinds of butterflies are found in the field?

There are many types of butterflies that can be found in fields. They include Monarch butterflies, Painted Lady butterfly, Red Admiral butterfly, Summer Azure butterfly, and the Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.

How long is the life span of a Old world Swallowtail?

Compared to other butterfly species, black swallowtail butterflies live long lives. As long as they avoid predators and are able to obtain food, they can live for up to a year.

Where does the blue karner butterfly live?

In dry sandy areas or savanna

Pictures of butterfli esthat live in the tropical rain forest?

There are many species of butterfly that live in tropical rainforests. Some of the most common are: * Birdwing Butterfly * Grey Albatross Butterfly * Ulysses Butterfly * Common Eggfly * Red-bodied Swallowtail * Union Jack Butterfly * Helena Brown Butterfly * Regent Skipper * morpho butterfly * Julia butterfly * Monarch butterfly * Queen Alexandra's Birdwing butterfly * Goliath Birdwing butterfly * Saturn Butterfly

Where do Schaus swallowtails butterfly's live?

The most common of the Schaus swallowtail butterflies are found in Florida where they live in a small area of the state. They are also found in the Bahamas, Cuba, and in Hispaniola.

Does the black swallowtail butterfly migrate?

Zebra swallowtail butterflies are commonly found near pawpaw trees, the leaves of which are food for their larvae. These trees and butterflies are seen in open woodlands near swamps and rivers, grasslands, savannas and southern pine woods. Zebra swallowtail butterflies are found in the eastern United States of America, from Minnesota and Wisconsin in the north to Florida and the Gulf States in the south, northeastern Mexico and southeastern Canada. They can be seen in northern areas from late March to August, while they appear as adults from February to December in the south. Source: &

Where does swallowtail butterfly live?

"Swallowtail" most often refers to an entire family of butterflies with "tails" on the end of the wings. Almost everywhere in the world is home to some type of swallowtail or another, with the most different types in the tropics. In Europe, "swallowtail" often refers to one single species of this family, Papilio machaon, which is found in northern Europe, Asia, Canada, Alaska, and parts of the northern US.