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Q: Does there be swelling at your spine after c section even after 10months?
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How long does pain from compound spine fracture with muscle sprain last in a 67 yr female?

Pain from a compound fracture will take seconds, and there will be reddness, and swelling around the area. the person will barely be able to move, or even move there toes.

Can you have a broken foot even if there is not that much swelling?

Yes it is possible, I broke my foot in two spots and there was barely any swelling.

What is lordotic?

Lordotic refers to the "lordotic curvature" of the spine. Lordotic curvature of the spine is the natural curves of the spine (when viewed from the side) that allow for even weight distribution and optimal shock absorbing properties.

Is mile scoliosis bad?

Yes. For one, scoliosis is when your spine is set irregularly, and you would need an upper body brace to straiten out your spine. Mild scoliosis is even worse. It's when your spine is set in an even more crooked positioning, and you would need a upper body brace and wear it for a few weeks. If you have it, you should see a doctor.

Can you crack back after scoliosis surgery?

It depends on how much of your spine is fused, but in general it's a bad idea because it puts more unwanted stress on the part of your spine that is not fused, and worse case scenario, if you do it to much you might have to get even more of your spine fused.

Swelling of the arm and hand?

If your hand is swelling then you must of burt your self, spained something or may have even broken it. you should ice it what ever happens.. R.I.C.E! use it!

How do you remove a Monroe piercing when its swelling?

Do not remove it when it is swollen. You can cause tiny tears in your skin, which can increase swelling even further, and cause infection. To relieve the swelling, take an Ibuprofen, and put a warm compress over the piercing. These two combined should bring down the swelling enough to where you can take the jewelry out. Good luck!

Can acne cause swelling?

Yes, acne can cause facial swelling around the area of infection. To reduce swelling and inflammation caused by acne, try using an all-natural facial scrub, Aloe Vera, or even honey on your face. To prevent swelling and prolonged infection from acne, do your best to refrain from picking or popping zits.

What are some exercises that you can do to help keep your spine in alignment?

Yoga is a great way to exercise and strengthen the spine. Even something as simple as stretching can be used as a perfect spinal exercise as it allows you to relax the joints.

Why does the spine curve during pregnancy?

Your spine naturally has curves even before pregnancy. The spine consist of 4 specific curves: Cervical curve, Thoracic curve, Lumbar curve, and Pelvic Curve Curves in the spine provide support for the weight in the human body, and also make it easy to balance this weight. The spine also help balance your head and give structure support to your ribs. It may seem like you notice the curves more since you have "extra baggage" that may put pressure on spine.

Does your foot swell with a chipped bone?

Any injury even without a chipped bone can cause swelling

How wide is the spine of the human?

People have tried to work it out but it is impossible to measure the spine it is estimated 18.9 centimeters. Also peoples are longer than others some are 4 centimeters some are 14 even some 20!