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Yes, acne can cause facial swelling around the area of infection. To reduce swelling and inflammation caused by acne, try using an all-natural facial scrub, Aloe Vera, or even honey on your face. To prevent swelling and prolonged infection from acne, do your best to refrain from picking or popping zits.

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Q: Can acne cause swelling
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How do you draw out swelling and infection from acne on face?

Acne is a common skin problem which usually lasts for a short period during adolescence. The appearance of swelling and infection can be minimized by using a daily skin care regime to improve you appearance of your complexion. Some people will use ice or rubbing alcohol to reduce swelling quickly. The use of ice of rubbing alcohol will remove the swelling temporarily, but could cause future outbreaks as it will generally irritate the skin. There are also acne masks which can be applied overnight to improve your complexion quickly.

How bad can acne get?

Acne can become extremely severe in rare cases. This may include acne covering the entire face, chest, back, and possibly other areas of the body. Large cystic acne with swelling and redness has been seen in some sufferers. Acne this bad can cause huge emotional and physical distress. Often laying down or putting any pressure on acne covered body parts is painful. The emotional distress can cause many to become withdrawn, hide away, not interact socially, and even hate themselves. Extreme acne should be treated by a professional dermatologist.

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The things that women go through like menopause and pregnancy can cause acne in adults. The type of makeup that is used on the skin can cause adult acne. Some medicine can cause acne in adults and it can also be hereditary.

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