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I cannot answer for a specific girl. However, when I say I am not interested, I mean it the very first time I say it and still mean it. If you are not sure what someone wants, move on to the next. If they want to play games, then let them know they miss out when they do so.

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Q: Does this girl like me and is just playing hard to get or is she not interested?
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How you know that this girl is interested in you?

It is hard to tell. Just tell that special someone about your feelings and they will let you know.

How do you get a girl that plays hard to get?

You end up playing hard to get as well. Just sit there and make her think that there is something special about you too. Girls come running when they think they cant have a chance too. So just sit back, be nice, treat her with respect and give her compliments, but do not smother her. Let her have her space. Sooner or later she will realize that playing hard to get is not worth it. Heck I would just rather go for someone who is a sweetheart and not hard to get then soemone who is stuck up and playing games. If she's playing hard to get then she isn't truly interested. If she liked you she wouldn't be playing games with you. Find someone who is more mature and knows what they want.

How do you know if this girl is playing hard to get or just being friendly?

cause you see her always in your side

Why wouldn't a girl answer your call?

Maybe she was not home...or she is playing hard to get....or ..sorry to say she just does not want to talk to you

What does it mean if a guy stares at a girl when she is talking to somebody?

It could mean he is interested in her or finds her attractive. It could also mean he is simply paying attention to the conversation.

Why don't boys tell girls that they're taken?

Telling a girl he is already taken means he is assuming that she is interested in him. Many guys have a hard time telling whether a girl is interested in them or not, so in order to avoid embarrassing themselves they just don't say anything even if they think a girl might be interested in them without knowing they're taken.

If a girl rejects you and says she knows you to much does that mean she likes you?

Yup, she just doesn't want to tell you, she's playing hard to get. Trust me i know i am a girl.

When a girl does not sms back?

1- she has no credit 2- she's not interested 3- she's upset with you, therefore is avoiding you 4- she's trying to make you sweat 5- she's playing hard to get 6- she might just be busy and you are reading too far into things

Why do boys play like they don't that girl?

probably because they are playing hard to get or just not ready for a relationship. In other words they just might want to be friends.

How will you know if the girl is interested in you?

just take a chance and ask her

How do you know if the girl is really interested in you?

Uh, how about just asking her if she's interested in dating you. If she says no, she's not really interested now is she?

What does playing hard to get mean exactly?

Playing hard to get can mean two things..It can mean that the girl/boy is either scared, or just wanting to see if you really like them enough to chase after him/her. or it could mean that they want to see how long and how hard you are going to work for them to sleep with you.