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The speed of light is always the same as long as it's traveling through the same

medium. But its speed is different in different media, and those are all less than

its speed in vacuum.

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of course not, when you reach the speed of light the time getting shorter

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Q: Does time always move at a constant speed?
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What is constant speed?

Constant speed is movement at a fixed (constant) distance per unit of time. The same amount of distance is covered by the object in the same amount of time at each measurement of that same interval. An example of an object moving at a constant speed might be an object in orbit. Something up their above the drag of the atmosphere will move at a constant speed, and will continuously move around the earth at the same speed. Note that velocity is speed with a direction vector. An object in orbit will have a constant speed, but its velocity will be constantly changing because it is constantly changing the direction it is moving.

What constant speed?

Constant speed is movement at a fixed (constant) distance per unit of time. The same amount of distance is covered by the object in the same amount of time at each measurement of that same interval. An example of an object moving at a constant speed might be an object in orbit. Something up their above the drag of the atmosphere will move at a constant speed, and will continuously move around the earth at the same speed. Note that velocity is speed with a direction vector. An object in orbit will have a constant speed, but its velocity will be constantly changing because it is constantly changing the direction it is moving.

Does the car traveling the longest time always travel the greatest distance?

No. In general, for the simplified case of constant speed, use the formula: distance = speed x time

What is the equation for calculating speed when you know distance and time?

distance = speed x time.This assumes a constant speed.distance = speed x time.This assumes a constant speed.distance = speed x time.This assumes a constant speed.distance = speed x time.This assumes a constant speed.

What is the difference between constant velocity and variable velocity?

Constant velocity has speed always constant along the direction with respect to time. Variable velocity changes its speed with respect to time. Constant velocity has zero acceleration. Variable velocity has non-zero acceleration . An object moving at a constant velocity maintains both the same speed and direction. An object moving at a variable velocity can be changing speed or direction of travel or both.

What is the formula for computing acceleration if we are given constant speed and time?

If you have a constant speed, you are not accelerating.

Is the total distance traveled divided by constant speed eual constant speed?

No. The total distance traveled divided by constant speed is the time interval.

When an object covers an equal amount of distance in the same amount of time is called?

In that case, the object is said to move at constant speed.

A cyclist goes around a level circular track at constant speed. Is the cyclist's acceleration zero because her speed is constant?

No. The cyclist is moving at a constant speed, but her velocity is changing. Remember that velocity is speed with a direction vector associated with it. As speed is constant, only direction is changing. But a change in direction is a change in velocity (even if speed is constant), and this requires acceleration in that direction to accomplish the change in direction. You're on the right track, but just recall that acceleration is tied to velocity and not just speed. And note that velocity can change all the time without speed changing. Acceleration must cause the change in velocity. Consider that objects in orbit around the earth move at a pretty constant speed, but accelerate toward the earth all the time. Their speed coupled with their acceleration toward earth cause them to move in an arc - which is their orbital path.

Can an object have a constant speed and velocity at the same time?

Yes. An object moving in a straight line at constant speed has constant velocity.

How does time affect average speed when distance is a constant?

Time is inversely proportional to speed.

What does a flat line on a speed vs time graph mean?

it means the object is moving at a constant speed