

Does time exist in outer space?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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Q: Does time exist in outer space?
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Liquids can exist in outer space, if they are in an enclosed area, such as a space craft, or a space station. They can not exist in a liquid state in unprotected outer space. Either they will freeze due to the extreme cold, or they will melt (or turn to gas) due to extreme heat.

Has life been found yet in outer space?

No, so far we have found no life in outer space. Life may well exist in outer space, but we haven't found it yet.

Does outer space exist doesn't all space have to be held together by something?

Yes outer space exists We haven't been in space enough to have the answers but there are widely excepted theories. According to Einstein's theory outer space isn't as much held together as it is supposedly sitting on a plane of Space-time. Gravity is a force imposed by matter stretching and bending the space time. Space is expanding so that suggests it is not "held together".

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Yes, probably in the upper atmosphere or in outer space.

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Time and Space

What happens when outer space runs out of outer space to expand into?

In theory, it can't. Astronomers consider time and space to be different sides of the same function - they call it "timespace". As long as time continues, space will continue to expand.

Does absolute motion only exist in outer space?

There is no such thing as "absolute motion" - neither in outer space, nor anywhere else. Motion must always be specified in relationship to some other object.

Do objects really exist in space and time?

Yes - of course they do. You are an "object" in space time.

What is Outerspace made of?

outer space is a vacuum and a vacuum is completely empty space. however all celestial bodies that exist in space(planets, stars, etc.) do not make up space

What is the meaning of a clock that has no hands?

It is a digital display clock. I would guess that it is some sort of joke about man inventing time. Some people say that time is nothing more than a concept invented by man and that it doesn't really exist. Time passes faster when one to outer space. If time exists, why would it go by faster in outer space than it does on the earth???? It means, till the end of time.