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Yes, if there is infection in the tonsil. Anytime you have infection in your body, your lymph glands become involved by fighting the infection. Lymph glands are all over your body. They have a circulatory system just like your blood does and are found everywhere. If you have a sinus infection or any other type of infection, the lymphs nodes in your neck, groin, arm pit, etc. can be swollen. However, if they stay swollen for prolonged period of time, there may be a more serious illness/disease present and you need to be assessed by a physician.

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12y ago

Sure, Tonsillitis is one of the main causes of swollen glands (lymp nodes).

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Q: Does tonsillitis can cause swelling of lymph nodes?
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How painful are swollen lymph nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes are generally painful. Swelling of the lymph nodes throughout your body may indicate an infection. Also, it could be indicative of an immune disorder. Either way, the swelling will cause an inflammatory reaction and will thus affect the nerves in the area by the pressure.

A disease that causes swelling of the lymph nodes is?

The Plague

My friend just got braces and three weeks later her lymph nodes are swelling. Can braces cause swollen lymph nodes?

Same here, I had Braces and about a couple of weeks later Lymph nodes started to get bigger. I think it is a reaction to the metal, Cement (Glue), Or the UV.

What is retroperitoneal adenopathy?

It's the swelling of the lymph nodes located outside or behind one of the the peritoneums. The parietal peritoneum is the portion that lines the abdominal and pelvic cavities. The visceral peritoneum covers the external surfaces of most abdominal organs, including the intestinal tract. Therefore, it's the swelling of the lymph nodes located around the abdominal area.

Can a yeast infection cause swollen lymph nodes?

Yes, a yeast infection can cause your lymph nodes to swell.

Can wisdom teeth cause enlarged lymph nodes or an enlarged spleen?

I had an enlarged spleen and enlarged lymph nodes and it turned out that I had Mono. I don't think your "spleen" has anything to do with your wisdom teeth coming in. But, in uncommon cases, infection to your wisdom teeth can sometimes cause enlarged lymph nodes, but only if the teeth are "impacted". A dental impaction is where an unearthed tooth is growing in crooked underneath the gumline. This also causes other dental problems such as crooked teeth. If the lymph nodes your are referring to are painless and are swelling with other symptoms, then you might have a serious condition, which also means you need to see a doctor immediately. The swelling in the lymph nodes in your neck are the ones to swell if your teeth are infected from an impaction. Also, only the lower teeth can cause lymph node swelling in your neck. The nodes will be tender, moveable, and causing pain in any way. Any kind of severe infection in your mouth, including a wisdom tooth infection, can cause your lymph nodes to become larger. The spleen should not be directly affected though.

What is adenopathy?

An adenopathy is a swelling or enlargement of the glands, especially the lymph nodes.

What are the sideffects of the smallpox incolution?

swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit, which can be painful.

What is the definition for buboes?

Inflammatory swelling of one or more lymph nodes

Does chickenpox cause swelling of your lymph nodes?

Yes. Trust me I am going through it right now.

Can E. coli cause you to get appendicitis?

Yes, because infection could cause swelling of lymph nodes and cause appendix obstruction which ultimately lead to acute appendicitis