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No it cannot it will have to be with the food you eat.

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Q: Does too much teriyaki give you an allergic reaction?
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Desloratadine is used to prevent an allergic reaction, you should check with your vet for the correct amount to give to your cat.

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You get hives from having an allergic reaction to something or itching to much.

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Type your answer here... Yes you can get hives if you are allergic to penicillin. Usually, hives are what happens the first time a person displays an allergic reaction to penicillin. The next time a person takes penicillin, the reaction escalates past hives to a much more serious reaction involving difficulty breathing (airways restrict). A penicillin allergic reaction can cause death. People who are allergic to penicillin should wear a medical bracelet or necklace that clearly identifies their allergy.

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No, not everyone has an allergic reaction to the bite of the brown recluse spider. In fact most people don't have an allergic reaction. But people do react to the venom the spider injects. It's powerfully toxic and can pose a deadly threat in young children or the older or infirm. Certainly if someone has an allergic reaction to the venom in addition to the effects of the toxins, this will complicate medical treatment and make the bite a much more serious threat to life.

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You will have a reaction, but much lower than if you were eating them yourself. If you have a strong reaction to mushrooms you could lower the reactions by having him/her brush their teeth.

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Yes! My friend who lives up the road has two cats and one of them is allergic to fleas. He licks his fur so much it drops off. That is his allergic reaction.

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Could Mastisol cause an allergic reaction?

No take as much Mastisol as you possibly can as not taking enough could cause nausea and headache.

Will taking to much aspirin give you a rash?

it does if you are allergic. otherwise lowers inflammation from sun or acne.

Does histamine fight our allergies?

Histamines are produced in your body at attack allergens. However, sometimes the body produces too much, which can cause an allergic reaction.

Can taking much ibuprohen cause sever itching?

I've never heard of this before. However, it may be an allergic reaction. Please talk to your doctor about this.