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I have used Trivora for over 6 months now, my reason for taking it was to get rid of my acne, what side effects I did incounter was that I gain about 10 to 15 pounds, and my period went from 7 days to 3 days, but really really really heavy. Im not happy at all with the weight gain, and I still have acne, it did get clearer than before but it's still there.

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Q: Does trivora birth control cause people to gain weight?
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What is the best birth control pill for weight loss?

Birth control is not for weight control.

How do you prevent gain weight while taking birth control?

To prevent weight gain on birth control, don't change how much you eat or exercise. If you were gaining weight before starting birth control, you'll probably continue to gain weight after starting birth control.

How can birth control make you gain weight?

Despite old wives' tales to the contrary, birth control pills do not cause weight gain. Patients on birth control pills and patients not on birth control in controlled studies both gained weight.

What birth control pill helps lose weight?

There is not a specific birth control pill that helps with weight loss. A few women with hormonal imbalances may find that weight loss is easier when taking the birth control pill, but any pill will work for this purpose.

Can weight effect birth control?

Yes it may. I have recently read that obesity can affect the effectiveness of birth control.

Does birth control implants make you gain weight?

It all depends on the person, because its hormones basically. some people lose weight, some people put on weight, some don't change at all!

Why people get weight when using birth control?

Birth control is a topic that affects many people, and it's essential to understand its effects on the body. When individuals use hormonal birth control methods (such as birth control pills, patches, or injections), they may experience changes in weight. Here are some reasons why this might happen: Fluid Retention: Some hormonal birth control methods can cause fluid retention, leading to temporary weight gain. This is more common with certain types of birth control pills. Increased Appetite: Hormonal changes caused by birth control can sometimes increase appetite. If a person consumes more calories than they burn, they may gain weight. Metabolic Changes: Hormonal birth control can affect metabolism. Some people may experience a slower metabolic rate, which can contribute to weight gain. Muscle Mass: Birth control doesn't directly cause fat gain, but it can impact muscle mass. Some individuals may retain more water or lose muscle, affecting overall body composition. Individual Variability: Everyone's body reacts differently to hormonal changes. Some people may gain weight, while others may not notice any significant changes. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices, such as diet and physical activity, play a crucial role. If someone becomes less active or makes unhealthy food choices, weight gain can occur regardless of birth control use.

What ingredient in birth control pills make you gain weight?

The Birth Control itself does not have any ingredients in it that make you gain weight. The birth control makes you crave food and its the food you eat that makes you gain weight. So when you crave the food go for something healthy to eat such as fruit.

Can you be to over weight or to tall for birth control?

what did your doctor say??

Can you gain Weight from going off birth control?


Does Mirelle birth control increase weight gain?

Yes it does.

Which birth control makes you gain weight?

Women on the birth control pill don't gain any more weight than women who aren't on the pill in controlled studies. (In the US, people are gaining weight at a fast clip, whether or not they use birth control pill). In the original studies of Depo Provera, a third of the women gained, a third lost, and a third stayed the same. If you don't change how you eat or exercise, you wouldn't expect to gain on the shot.