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Yes, but one type only: equatorial upwelling!

There are three types of upwelling: equatorial, coastal, and seasonal.

Equatorial upwelling is caused by the winds known as the trade winds. The trade winds blow from east to west in the vicinity of the equator. On the northern side of the equator Ekman Transport is to the right (northward), and on the southern side it is to the left (southward). With water flowing directly away from the equator, both northward and southward, the equator itself has a deficit of water. Hence, water from below upwells to fill in the gap. Equatorial upwelling is most prominent in the Pacific Ocean.

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Q: Does upwelling happen in open ocean?
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Upwelling is when the winds cause nutrient rich waters from lower levels of the ocean to replace the surface water. Upwelling's are usually caused by coastal surges or open oceans.

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Upwelling brings up tiny ocean organisms, minerals, and other nutrients from the deeper layers of the water. Without this motion, the surface waters of the open ocean would be very scarce in nutrients.

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Upwelling is caused by currents on the surface. When water moves from the bottom of the ocean towards the surface it is called upwelling. Downwelling is when more dense water sinks. This process moves nutrients back to the deep part of the ocean.

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What do you mean by upwelling?

Ocean upwelling is a phenomena where cooler deep ocean currents come to the surface, with the usual mechanism being the driving of the water by wind. A more general definition is one that includes the idea of "rising from below or within" as an upwelling of emotion. Here are a couple of sentences: An upwelling of anger fueled his outburst.The thought of the passing of her uncle triggered an upwelling of tears.

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Upwelling is water raising from deep in the ocean to the surface. It can be caused by wind ar density currents.

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An upwelling is when a deep ocean current rises to the surface, bringing nutrients to the surface.

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