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Q: Does using a trampoline help bone density?
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Bone density measurements can help detect the onset of

Where can I get a bone density DEXA?

You can get it at a pharmacy since it usually has a lot of medical items and accessories for people. It will help make your bones denser and it will help you be up to par with your actual bone density.

How to cure low bone mineral density?

To help with low bone mineral density you should start by drinking more milk, and getting a calcium pill.

Do trampolines help strengthen your leg muscles?

Everyone knows trampolines are fun, but not everyone knows that there are many benefits of jumping on a trampoline. Both adults and children can benefit from regular exercise on a full size trampoline or a rebounder (a small trampoline). Physical Benefits There are many physical benefits to jumping on a trampoline. They include: A cardiovascular workout - Jumping on a trampoline increases the heart rate and gives your heart, a very important muscle, a great workout. A workout for the muscles - A great workout for the feet muscles up to the stomach muscles occurs when bouncing on the trampoline for even a few minutes. Weight loss - The combination of cardiovascular exercise and the strengthening of the muscles contributes weight loss. As muscles strengthen they aide in the increase of the metabolism which helps to burn fat. The cardiovascular workout burns calories. By jumping on a trampoline for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week, weight loss can occur. Improved flexibility - Jumping on a trampoline strengthens and lengthens muscles improving flexibility. Increased bone density - Exercise can strengthen bone density as well as muscles. Increased bone density helps to prevent broken or fractured bones and osteoporosis. Improved joint, tendon and ligament function - The strengthening of joints, tendons and ligaments can help to reduce the chances of some forms of arthritis and lessen the pain in some arthritic joints. Development of balance and coordination - Balancing on a trampoline is unlike balancing on anything else. The trampoline floor is constantly moving and jumpers must be aware of their center of gravity at all times. The balance learned on a trampoline helps improve balance in other activities. Improved posture - Along with improved balance, jumping on a trampoline can improve posture. Development of motor skills - The brain is forced to function bilaterally when a jumper is in the air. Both sides of the brain and both sides of the body must work together to maintain coordination and balance when on a trampoline. This increases motor skills.

What is a bone density test and do dietary changes help?

If you have a bone density test done in a hospital, you will probably lay on a bed while a mechanical arm passes over you, making an x-ray. This takes about 10 minutes. Smaller bone density tests done at pharmacies are called peripheral tests; they test smaller extremities. Diets high in calcium (both dairy and non-dairy) and Vitamin-D can help prevent the loss of bone mass.

Can exercise increase bone density in the elderly?

calcium supplementation may have added benefits for improving bone mineral density

What kind of doctors perform a bone mineral density test?

Your primary care doctor can set it up for you to have a low dose x-ray which will help determine your bone mineral density. A radiologist will perform the procedure and relay the results to your doctor.

How can an xray help diagnose malnutrition?

X rays can determine bone density and reveal gastrointestinal disturbances, and heart and lung damage.

Can a 74 year old women build bone density?

Postmenopausal women can build bone density, it is just harder than it was for them before menopause. Exercises with weights or resistance can help to increase bone mineral deposition and should be part of any woman's routine. A diet that is high in calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus can help with bone density since those are the building blocks of bone. It is important to remember that vitamin D is also made in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight so it is important to get out in the sun. Though dietary vitamin D and vitamin D from sun exposure are different forms, there is some controversy as to if they work equally in the body. To be safe, make sure get adequate amounts of both. There are a class of drugs you can get from your doctor called bisphosphonates that help to prevent bone loss due to osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates work by reducing the amount of bone destruction and though they don't increase bone density on their own, they decrease the loss and along with the other measures can help to increase overall bone density. Another medication you may want to discuss with your doctor is hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy can help to decrease the bone loss due to menopause but it does carry some risks. The amount of these risks depends on the particular woman and needs to be evaluated with her and her doctor.

How calcium help against osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone. With osteoporosis, bones may become brittle and fragile. This is due to a loss of bone density. Calicum supplements are important for individuals who have osteoporosis because they help build and strengthen bone.

Can a lack of exercise cause bones to grow thicker?

Exercise can help improve bone health by increasing bone density. Some exercise can actually decrease bone density. Bones can grow thicker from exercise such as weight lifting. All exercise should be determined what is safe for the person by their doctor because of some risk involved.

How did the trampoline help us?

Helped us with weight loss.