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It has not been proven for vampires to have ever existed. However, it is possible that they have existed and may still exist today.

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Q: Does vampires still exist today
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Is there any vampire still living around us in 2013 in today's world?

No. Vampires do not exist and never did.

Do the vampires and wolves still live?

vampires never existed, and wolves still exist.

Did vampires use to exist?

Vampires did used to exist and they still do but we are not the ones you need to be scared of, the ones that you need to be scared of are the werewolves

Are vampires walking around today?

Vampires are widely accepted as creatures of folklore, despite persisting rumors of their existence brought on by popular culture. Animal vampires - such as the Chupacabra - are still believed to exist, however.

Do werewolf and vampires exist in today life?

no they dont

Did vampires exist in the world or not?

Yes and they still do

Do vampires exist in real life today?

No, In real life days vampired no not exist

Are you lying about the fact that vampires still exist?


Were can you find vampires today?

Some believe that vampires are real, some don't. I would imagine that if they do exist, they could be anywhere.

Have there been recent sightings of vampires?

Vampires do exist but we still don't have any idea about their sightings because they exist among us like other humans do.

Is it possible for vampires to exist today?

Don't think im stupid but yeah i think it is.

Does vampires still exist in Mexico?

nah blud, samba cham cham