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Q: Does varnish make wood harder
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Does paint or varnish preserve wood best?

Varnish preserves wood better than paint.

What does the bow of the violin include?

horse hair and wood. plus then varnish has been used to make the wood shiny :D!

What is the difference between a varnish and a stain?

A stain is used to color the wood while a varnish is a topcoat used to protect the wood.

How do you remove varnish from wood?

Sometimes wood needs to be re varnished or restrained. To remove old varnish, you can use either a paint stripper or sand off the old varnish.

What is waxing wood?

Wood wax is a type of varnish/polish

What are uses of varnish?

Varnish is to highlight and preserve bare wood.

Is it safe to burn wood with varnish in a wood stove?

No it is not safe to burn it.

How do you remove wood varnish from furniture?

To remove wood varnish from furniture, you can use a chemical stripper following the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the stripper, let it sit for the recommended time, then scrape off the varnish with a putty knife. Make sure to wear protective gear and work in a well-ventilated area when using chemical strippers.

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Cleaning wood varnish off plastic?

You can try using a mild solvent like rubbing alcohol or acetone to remove wood varnish from plastic surfaces. Test in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't damage the plastic. Gently scrub with a cloth or soft-bristled brush until the varnish comes off, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.

What do you put on wood to make it scratch proof?

A varnish or lacquer would do the trick, though nothing actually makes wood scratch proof just scratch resistant

Should I apply varnish to wooden floors?

Applying varnish to wooden floors is a very good idea , but before doing so make sure to clean the room out , remove any furniture , and sand down to the bare wood to make sure any traces of old varnish , if used previously , is gone .