

Does vice president have any special duty?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The vice president's special duty is to be president of the Senate.

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Q: Does vice president have any special duty?
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What duty can only the president and vice president do?

There are not any duties of the President that are shared by the Vice President and the President can not perform any of the Vice President's two duties.

Can the President return to work after Vice President takes over?

Yes. According to the 25th amendment the president needs to only to notify congress that he is fit to return to duty, under any condition that the Vice-President takes over during that President's term.

What power does the Vice President have in the Senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate. There is no Vice President of the Senate. He has the power to cast a deciding vote to break ties, and is present when the electoral college votes are counted.

Is the vice president part of executive branch?

The vice-president is in a rather special position. His only official duty is to preside over the US Senate, and since he can vote in the case of a tie, he has a bit of legislativepower. He is sometimes considered to be part of the cabinet which would be in the executive branch, but he does not have any official duties in that regard, unless the President asks him to do something for him. He is not a paid employee of the executive branch, but when he serves the President, he represents the executive branch.

Why the president must be the same the qualification of vice president?

because the vice president can become president at any moment

Who becomes president when America loses your vice-president?

The current president stays president. If the vice president dies, it wont matter any to find a leader.

What are the duties of the Vice President?

A "good" vice president steps in when the President is not available or cannot serve. A good vice president does not ask what needs to be done but goes about doing the work that needs to be done and exhibits strong leadership in the absence of the President. A "good" VP also is supportive of the President, understands his/her role, supports the mission/vision/values of the organization and keeps the President informed of all actions taken.

Who is vice president in ca?

No one - there are no vice presidents in any of the 50 states.

Did John Adams hold any offices?

vice president and president

What if something happens to the president?

If the president cannot perform his duties for any reason the Vice President assumes the Presidency. If the Vice President cannot perform the Speaker of the House assumes the duties of the President

What federal law states who the president can pick for vice president?

The Constitution defines who is elligible to be Vice-President. The president can select any elligible person as a running-mate.

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if the president dies the vice takes over