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Ringworm is a fungal infection caused by several organisms...and there are different types of ringworm. Vinegar is not going to end the problem.

If you are wondering if you should launder clothes in vinegar that have been removed from a person...or bedding...bedding from animal..the answer is: it would be better to launder them in Clorox and very hot water.

As far as putting vinegar on the spots on the skin, can get clotrimizole or other antifungals at your pharmacy over the counter...or the best thing to do would be to see a doctor or a Veterinarian as the management of ringworm requires that you be educated as to how to eliminate it from your environment. Ringworm has spores that are difficult to eliminate.

Knowing more of your circumstances would help answer the problem.

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13y ago

yes ive heard of lots of people that did that and worked

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Q: Does vinegar kill ringworm
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H2O2 does not kill ringworm because the ringworm are usually a fungus infection and it is too deep in the epidermis to really penetrate the fungus. Thus Hydrogen Peroxide is not supposed to be used

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Drinking vinegar will not kill you.

Does ringworm kill people?

no of course not nobody has died from it

Can elimite kill ringworm?

No. In spite of its name, ringworm is a fungus, not a worm/parasite. The treatment is antifungal medication, not antihelminthic medication.

Should you use bleach or vinegar to wash your clothes when your toddler has ringworm?

It isn't necessary. Ringworm is not a particularly tough fungus. Regular washing will kill the spores, although washing in hot water will help (If the clothing can tolerate it), and leaving the clothing to soak for ten to fifteen minutes after the tub initially fills will help as well.

Can ringwork kill you?

Ringworm won't kill you, but can start infections that could be deadly. Untreated ringworm can result in an acute infection that may produce running sores on the scalp or painful blisters on the feet.

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Vinegar alone will not kill yellow jackets but if you mix it with other ingredients it will kill them. You will need to mix vinegar with water and liquid dish soap.

Does vinegar helps plants grow?

Vinegar kills plants.

Does vinegar kill dust mites?

Vinegar does kill dust mites. Mixing a bowl of water with vinegar will help get rid of problem dust mites.