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Yes vinegar takes the calcium out of other bones besides chicken bones.

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Q: Does vinegar take the calcium out of other bones besides chickens?
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Why does vinegar make bones rubbery?

Vinegar makes bones bend because the acetic acid eats away at the calcium in the bones.

What happens when bones are in vinegar?

Vinegar should decalcify the bones. I.E. The bones are made out of mainly calcium carbonate. The vinegar will break it down. There are other compounds in the bones that will remain so the bones will seem soft.

What happens when you put lamb bones in vinegar?

hopefully it will bend, it works with chickens.

Why does a chicken bone gets flexible if you put it in vinegar?

The acid in the vinegar dissolves out the calcium in the chicken bone. (Calcium is most of the reason that bones are hard.)

What are chicken bones made from?

Teeth and bones are made of some of the same things, such as calcium. Bones have a lot of protein collagen, which helps give bones their structure.

Why do bones become lighter in weight if soaked in vinegar?

Vinegar is acetic acid, or CH3COOH. It reacts with calcium carbonate (which is found in bones and eggshells) to form aqueous Ca(CH3COO)2 plus carbon dioxide. This leaches the calcium from the bones, reducing their mass.

How would the change in the bone structure caused by the vinegar change the bones function in the chickens body?


Does adding vinegar to the stock pot with chicken bones release calcium that is then available in a form humans can absorb by drinking the broth?

Yes, I'm sure adding vinegar makes the bones release calcium because I make chicken stock with bones a lot, and when I add vinegar, the stock turns white. After I remove the bones, sometimes I eat them, and they are really soft after they cook for a long time with vinegar in the water. I just eat the soft part on the ends of the bones. Chicken stock made with bones is fantastic, I love it. Bones are great in stock.

What mineral gives your bones and teeth hardness?

Mineral salts from calcium and phosphorus compounds are essential for making bones hard and strong. calcium is the most essential mineral to make bones strong but not all bones are as hard as you think some bones are "Spongy" but we just dont notice it. hope this helps if you need to know this....

Why the calcium in a steak bone takes longer to dissolve than that of a chicken bone?

cattle are older and have larger heavier bones than chickens

What happens when you put a chicken bone in vinegar?

When you soak bones in vinegar what will happen is that the chicken bone will weaken and the bone will become more flexible. So after soaking the chicken bone into vinegar for a week the bone will be so flexible that it will be able to bend. This is a great science fair project also.

How does calcium keep bones healthy?

calcium makes your bones stronger