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Q: Does warm lactose free milk make you sleep?
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Is Powdered milk lactose free?

Powdered milk does contain lactose. It is a sugar found in milk and other products. However, there are powdered milk products on the market that are lactose-free. You need to look at the product label to make sure it does not have this ingredient.

Are prunes lactose-free?

Yes, prunes contain no lactose. Lactose is only found in milk and milk products.

Can lactose intolerant people drink a cappuccino?

Cappuccino involves milk, which was lactose in it, so no. Go buy yourself soya milk or lactose free and cappuccino sachets and make it home made.

Is soy milk good for you even if you are not lactose free?

Soy milk is said to be good for people that are lactose or dairy free. However, soy milk is also said to contribute to digestive problems for some people.

What happens when milk is treated with lactase?

Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. This allows lactose intolerant individuals to drink the lactose free (or reduced lactose) milk.

Is lactobacillus dairy free?

Lactose free products are NOT the same as dairy free products. If an acidophilus supplement is called lactose free it means it does not do not contain any milk sugar, but it may contain isolated, lactose-free milk protein - so it would NOT be dairy free. A dairy free probiotic means it does not contain either lactose (milk sugars) or milk proteins.

Can milk be non-lactose?

Milk naturally contains the sugar lactose. Lactose-free milk is made by 'pre-digesting' the lactose in the milk. This is done by adding the enzyme lactase to the milk. The enzyme breaks down the lactose and people who can't digest lactose properly (lactose intolerance) can drink the milk without side-effects.

How do you make a soy milkshake?

I would use soy milk and whatever flavor of soy or lactose free ice cream. If the lactose is the reason, breyers makes a really good lactose free vanilla.

What kind of milk do you have to drink if you are lactose and tolerant?

I'm lactose intolerant and you can drink lactose free milk, or soy milk like "Silk", also goats milk is good but i hear it doesnt taste that great, just check your local grocery store and they will have a section of lactose free milk products

Is lactaid milk dairy free?

Rather than asking here, check out Lactaid's website. It is *not* dairy free, it is still milk, it simply contains the necessary enzymes to break down lactose that individuals may be unable to make themselves.

Is lactose free milk sugar free?

No. The lactose is broken down into it's components, glucose and galactose.

What can you substitute for milk in french toast?

Nothing my sister make it with WATER it was as gross as can be!