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Q: Does water flow faster through soil or gravel?
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Why does water move faster through gravel than through clay?

Gravel doesn't fit close together like clay soil particles do, slowing down water flow through mud. If you visualize gravel as a screen of 1/8th inch mesh and clay soil as a screen of 1/128th mesh ( 16 times smaller holes ) you can then easily understand that water flows very swiftly through the gravel screen compared to the fine particles of clay soils.

Does water flow faster through soil or stalagmite?

Yes because it travels faster

Does sand heat up faster then gravel?

goes faster thru gravel sice the interparticulate spaces are high water can flow in large amounts swiftly. but since sand particles are closely packed it is impossible & result a dull slow flow and im brian

Does gravel absorb more water than soil?

Gravel does not absorb water as much as soil. Gravel has larger pore spaces and lacks the fine particles that help retain water, so water tends to flow through gravel more easily. Soil, on the other hand, has small pores that can hold and retain water.

Does water flow faster moving down a mountain or through a valley?

Down a mountain

Does water flow faster than sand?

yes water flows faster then sand

What does the layer of gravel in a water filter do?

There are several things going on at the same time. First, you have an air-stone in a tube filled with water. The water is in the tube because air pressure pushing down on the top of the tank forces the water up the tube. When you force bubbles up the tube with the air-stone, it draws water up with it. The tube is now acting as a siphon, drawing water out of the tank to replace the water that is flowing out of the top of the tube. In order to get IN the tube, the tank water must flow through the gravel because the intake to the tube is on the bottom of the filter. This downward flow of water draws with it all the debris that the fish leave behind. This action causes the gravel to grind up anything coming through it. All this debris is left on the floor of the tank beneath the filter. An added benefit of the under-gravel filter is that having all this organic debris under the filter keeps the tank clear of not only the debris, but also the microorganisms that feed on it. You have a clearer, healthier tank. But you should also keep a back filter running and use a diatomaceous earth filter occasionally. - wjs1632 -

Does water flow faster in pools or riffles?

Water flows faster in riffles than in pools.

How quickly does water flow in a course grained material - fast or slow?

Normally the flow of water through a course grained material will be faster than through a fine grained material as the pore spaces between the grains tend to be larger.

How does steepness of slopes affect erosion?

Erosion is driven by the movement of water, or water flow. The steeper the slope, the faster water will flow. The faster water flows, the quicker erosion occurs.

How many gallons will flow through a 12 inch pipe at 50psi?

That depends entirely on the viscosity of the liquid in the pipe ! Water would flow faster than oil !

Can you separate gravel and sand with a coffee filter?

As salt is soluble in water, mixing salt and sand in water would result in solid sand, and salt water. When poured through a coffee filter, the sand would remain in the filter, while the salt water would flow through. After letting the water evaporate, salt would remain. You will be left with the two separated solids.