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Water softened by a conventional salt-based water softener contains sodium. How much depends on the water softener's settings - which in turn is determined by how hard your water is and how soft you want it to be. If there's enough sodium in the water, it can indeed harm house plants.

You can avoid this issue by using filtered water, or water from an outside tap (assuming your softener bypasses outside water, as it should). Alternatively, you can get a salt free water softener, which doesn't use sodium chloride to treat water.

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14y ago

It doesn't unless you compare it to hard (alkaline) water on particular plants - especially ericaceous plants (they mostly like acid conditions).

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There are lot of water softeners ;kenmore water softener,culigan water softener,salt free water softener,ion exchange water my opinion ion exchange water softener is the best.

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On the most part, most people do prefer one water softener over another. The brand of water softener you use depends on your water and if you want a whole home water softener system or just a faucet softener system.

Is a water softener necessary?

Water softener is used to improve water in hard water conditions. If your water tastes odd or leaves white deposits then you may benefit from a water softener. You'll also need to use less soap with a water softener.

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The reason you choose a water softener will best allow you to chose a saltless softener or a traditional softener. If you are using a water softener to help your household plumbing stay clean and gunk-free, then you should choose a traditional softener. If your goal is to have softer feeling and tasting water then a saltless softener will work just fine for you. With this softener, you are not actually removing salt, just changing the electric charge of the water.

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Can the water taste salty in your water softener if the salt is low?

Water softener changes the chemical values and proportions in water. Therefore, some people will differentiate a change in taste of water to be more salty. However, malfunctioning can produce higher level of salty water by the softener.

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Is there a natural water softener?

Borax, also known as Sodium Borate, is a great natural water softener.

Where can one purchase Calgon Water Softener?

There are many places where one can purchase a Calgon Water Softener. One can purchase a Calgon Water Softener at popular on the web sources such as Walmart and Amazon.