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I'm pretty sure being in water that is too hot or too cold can kill them. but when its hotter or colder than usual, they simply have a harder time moving around. their body movement slows down.

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Q: Does water temperature effects the movement of goldfish?
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What kind of water can you use with a goldfish?

Unchlorinated water, such as bottled distilled water is best.

You have black goldfish with big eyes what should temperature be?

The water should be at room temperature.

How do you know when a goldfish is about to have babies?

Goldfish spawn in groups in springtime when the water temperature approaches 70F. They do not have live babies.

If goldfish is kept in aquarium what is the temperature of water required?

Just leave the aquarium at room temperature.

What heat do goldfish like?

You should keep the water at room temperature.

How long could a goldfish live in a water with a not suitable temperature?

well, not long. i had a goldfish and it died in like 8 hours.

What temperature has the water to be for a goldfish to breed?

They start to come into breeding "mode" when the temperature gets over 65F.

What temperature does it have to be to put your fish back in pond?

it depends on what type of fish.a goldfish has to be in room temperature water.

Can goldfish and guppes live together?

They can but they shouldn't. Gold fish like colder water and guppies like warmer water. They can live when the water temperature is in that in between range when they are both not comfortable.

What is the evaporation rate of water?

That is not a standard quantity. It depends on temperature, surface area and air movement.

What is a good temperature to have the water for a goldfish?

Goldfish are best kept at a temperature of at least 74F to 76F. There are times that you might increase the temperature to a tropical fish level for a short term to treat an illness, but you should not have it too warm.

What water temperature do tropical goldfish live in?

There is no such thing as a 'Tropical Goldfish'. Goldfish are a coldwater species. Their prefered temperature is above 50F and below 65F. The fish respond to a slow rise in temperature over a week or so from around 65F to about 70F during Spring/Summer by spawning.