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Q: Does watery semen indicate infertility
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Can i make a child with watery semen?

Yes. You can.

Why does semen turn waterlike after intercourse when it is expelled from the female?

Semen is initially thick and viscous due to proteins which form a gel-like substance. When this breaks down, the semen becomes thin and watery. In humans, this usually happens in under 20 minutes (and isn't directly connected to being "in the female"), but anything less than an hour or so is considered within the normal range. Semen that doesn't liquefy within an hour is a potential cause of infertility.

When boyfriends semen is watery is he cheating?

it relates to stimulation of pro static gland. but not cheating.

What is high semen viscosity?

Thick semen has high viscosity, whereas thin semen has low viscosity (more watery). If the viscosity is too high, spermatazoa in semen are less able to move (toward the target ovum).

Why is semen sometimes thin?

Semen will vary day to day and every man is different. There is no right consistency. On average it will be some what thick, but watery is normal also. It also depends on how often you ejaculate. If you ejaculate once a week, then semen will be thick. If you ejaculate several times a day, it will be thin and watery (but still with millions of sperm in it).

What causes semen to become clear?

Semen has several different enzymes in it. One of them causes it to become thinner and more watery after a certain period of time. This chemical reaction also causes the semen to become clear.

Is age a factor for yellow semen?

no that's chlyamydia or gonorrhea especially if you have noticed if its gotten more watery

Does seminal fluid from the male have to be thick in order for the female to become pregnant?

No. Normally, semen thickens when it hits the air and gradually becomes watery again. However, how thick it becomes after ejaculation can depend on a number of factors, including the man's diet. None of these factors affect how fertile the semen is. Fertile semen can range anywhere from clear and watery to chunky and white.

Does HPV give semen a bad odor?

No it will not indicate HPV.

Why is your semen like water?

There are a few possible explanations. You may be over-masturbating, and be weakening the muscle that prevents urine from coming out with semen. Try to go a week without masturbating, then see if your semen is still watery. If it is, see a doctor.

Chunky brownish red semen?

A chunky brownish red semen could indicate and infection. A urologist should be consulted in order to get the right tests to be performed for the semen.

How would the semen of a meat eater effect a long term vegetarian or vegan?

there is no difference between the semen of the two. However chronic alcoholics, smokers and people with vitamin deficiency are more prone to infertility.