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Q: Does wearing a bigger shoe make your foot grow fas?
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You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

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What is meaning of Dish Network commercial with actors wearing big hats?

It means the more money they make off us the more money they have to grow bigger and bigger..laughing at us all the way to the bank.

Do push up bras make your breasts bigger?

The make you breasts look bigger but they do not make your breasts grow bigger.

Do jelly breasts make your breasts grow or do they just make your breasts look bigger?

I assume by "jelly boobs" you mean water bra's. LOL.No they do not "make your boobs grow" - They just make them look a little more full while you are wearing them. Haha.Sorry. :[ i know u want them to.

How do you make alien grow?

You put them in the fridge until they grow bigger.

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Does touching my butt make it grow bigger?

Touching your butt will not make it grow bigger. There are exercises that work your gluteus maximus which can increase the size of your butt.

How do you force your foot to grow?

[There really is no way to make your foot grow unless you see your doctor, as they has some things they can do to cause it to grow.]All of your bones are always growing. It takes seven years for your longest bone to be entirely replaced with new tissue.Hands and feet will grow stronger if you play hand drums or do kendo, (though kendo it's only your leading foot that gets bigger).To make only one bone longer takes surgery.Google: distraction for brachymetatarsia

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Wait for it to grow

Can fallatio make breasts grow bigger?

No it can't