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Depends on what you mean??? If you're pregnant you should not be smoking marijuana to begin with as it can cause a lot of problems, not to mention it kills brain cells. If you're not pregnant and want to know if it'll affect your future breastmilk production then no, there will be no traces of THC in your breast milk if you do not smoke it.

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Q: Does weed leave your breast milk before you have the baby?
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Will the breast milk come before marriage?

No. This is simple logic. Breast milk production starts when the baby is born. A baby is not born until it is conceived. Conception does not happen until the parents have sex. You do not have sex until you are married. Therefore, breast milk does not happen before marriage.

Is feeding a baby formula equal to feeding breast milk?

Breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months before switching to baby formula. There are more nutrients and health benefits to the baby when using breast milk.

Who would use a Medela Swing breast pump?

A Medela Swing breast pump would be used by nursing mothers who need to pump their breast milk in order to provide milk for the baby when they are not available. For example, if a nursing mother needs to go to work for several hours, she can leave her breast milk in bottles for the baby so formula is not necessary.

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A baby's first milk should ideally be breast-milk from the baby's mother. If breast feeding is not possible, or wanted, then specially formulated baby milk should be used.

Can you supplement breast milk with baby formula, on occasion?

Yes, you can supplement breast milk with baby formula, on occasion. Breast milk is best, but if that is not possible, then formula is the next best thing.

When do breasts get milk?

you get breast milk mostly when you are reagent because it is very usual to feed your baby your milk when it comes out but before Any of that the Doctor will tell you what kind of milk you should give your baby so it does not get ill.

What is baby milk called?

Formula, if it comes from a can, breast milk if it comes from the baby's mother.

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Baby food... breast milk...

If you breast feed and drink alcohol will it get into your breast milk?

The American Academy of Pediatricians says an occasional alcoholic drink probably will not hurt baby, but a mother who chooses to have a drink should wait at least two hours before breastfeeding. Because everyone metabolizes alcohol differently, the amount of time it takes for the alcohol to leave your blood and therefore your breast milk also varies from person to person. The alcohol is not trapped in your breast milk and draining your breasts will not expedite the elimination of the alcohol from your system. Over time your body will naturally metabolize the alcohol from your breast milk but the only way to know for certain that the alcohol is gone is to test your milk. Breast milk screening kits are available to test breast milk and ensure that alcohol is not being transferred to baby.

How can a mother's breast milk burn her baby?

It can't unless the milk is scalding hot..which it isn't, fresh breast milk is usually the body temperature of the mother, which is perfect for the baby

Can you feed a baby deer evaporated milk?

No give it breast milk

Can you combine expressed breast milk?

You need to express breast milk between feedings when the baby will not be nursing. For example, if your baby feeds every 4 hours, you can manually express or pump milk 2 hours after the baby has eaten. This would also be 2 hours before your baby feeds again allowing for refilling of the breast before the next feeding. If your baby sleeps at a long interval at a certain time, such as nap or bedtime, you should try to express the milk then. After doing this for a few days, you will begin to produce more milk than your baby needs so you can start to store some.