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Q: Does weight affect the rate of respiration?
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Related questions

Does gender affect cellular respiration?

No. What you may be thinking of is aerobic respiration (normal breathing), for which the breathing rate (as well as heart rate) is typically a bit slower in men.

Does temperature affect breathing of chick peas?

You probably mean "respiration" instead of "breathing". Chick peas don't breath. Increasing the temperature increases the respiration rate and decreasing temperatures decrease the respiration rate.

What can affect your heart rate?

exercise and weight

How does light intensity affect the rate of respiration?

In general, net respiration (Rnet) in plants increases as light intensity increases.

What factors affect the rate of cellular respiration?

The availability of the reactants needed for respiration (CO2, ADP, NAD+, FAD, H+, etc). The reactants are formed by photosynthesis.

Why does lung cancer and emphysema affect the rate of respiration?

Lung cancer affects the rate of respiration, because if the cancer grows in the airway, it may obstruct airflow, causing breathing difficulties. Emphysema affects the rate of respiration because there is less oxygen in the blood and it causes shortness of breath. hope that helps xx

What are the 2 connections between respiration rate and pulse rate?

The respiration rate is your breathing rate and your pulse rate is your heart beat.

How do different respiratory substrates affect rate of anaerobic respiration in yeast?

The rate of reaction in respiration depends entirely on what kind of sugar you use. Glucose or Fructose are the most efficient in respiration. Other sugars you could use include Galactose or Sorbose, both which do not help yeast to respire efficiently. In order of reaction rate (Highest first): Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Sorbose

What is respiration rate?

The respiration rate is the number of breaths taken in 1 minute.

What is the normal human respiration rate what are the factors affecting respiration rate in humans?


How does weight affect an object when falling?

All Objects fall at the same rate in a vaacume, no matter the weight.

The rate of respiration is determined by what levels in the blood?

The rate of respiration is determined by the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The main controller of the rate of respiration is the brain.