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Lung cancer affects the rate of respiration, because if the cancer grows in the airway, it may obstruct airflow, causing breathing difficulties. Emphysema affects the rate of respiration because there is less oxygen in the blood and it causes shortness of breath.

hope that helps xx

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Q: Why does lung cancer and emphysema affect the rate of respiration?
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Related questions

Is emphysema different from lung cancer?

Emphysema is a type of lung cancer that can be caused by the same things lung cancer is caused from with many complications.

How does emphysema affect your life?

Emphysema is a disease that destroys the tiny air sacs in your lungs. In this case it can even cause lung cancer. A person with advanced emphysema uses 80% of his/her energy to breathe.

Which deseases or disorders affect the lungs?

Five that come to mind: lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis

What is a sentence for emphysema?

Many smokers die of lung cancer, emphysema or other related diseases.

What do lung cancer and emphysema have in common?

Both are caused by smoking.

Which diseases or disorders affects the lungs?

Uh.. lung cancer. That's all I know of.

Is emphysema a tumor?

No, emphysema is not a form of cancer. Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that is characterized by the destruction of the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. This leads to difficulty breathing, as the damaged air sacs are unable to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide effectively. Emphysema is usually caused by long-term exposure to irritants, such as tobacco smoke, pollution, and chemical fumes. It is a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse over time. While emphysema does not directly cause cancer, people with emphysema are at increased risk of developing lung cancer due to the damage caused to their lungs by the disease. Additionally, smoking is a major risk factor for both emphysema and lung cancer.

How bronchitis emphysema and lung cancer affect the respiratory system?

all of them turn the lungs a deep shade of black and sometimes shrivel them up

What are the most common diseases requiring thoracic surgery?

lung cancer, chest trauma, esophageal cancer, emphysema, and lung transplantation.

What are three common respiratory diseases affecting Americans?

COPD, Emphysema, asthma.

What are 4 diseases that can result from long term smoking?

lung cancer emphysema mouth cancer throat cancer

What are the advantages of public smoking?

Lung cancer, tar, emphysema, for smokers and nonsmokers