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No, it does not have to be exact; it just has to have the same "appearance, sound or meaning", or enough similarity that its use in a related field would create a likelihood of confusion.

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1mo ago

No, wording does not have to be exactly the same as a trademark to be illegal. If the wording is similar enough to cause confusion among consumers and to dilute the distinctive quality of the trademark, it could still be considered a trademark infringement. It's best to consult with a legal professional for specific advice regarding trademark issues.

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Q: Does wording have to be exact trademark wording to be illegal?
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Is it illegal to sell fake jordans?

Yes, selling fake Jordans is illegal as it constitutes trademark infringement and counterfeiting. It is a violation of intellectual property laws and can result in legal action against the seller.

Is it illegal to draw trademark characters and sell them?

Yes, it is illegal to draw trademarked characters and sell them without permission from the trademark owner. This would be considered a violation of intellectual property rights and could result in legal action being taken against you.

What does a trademark attorney do?

A trademark attorney helps clients protect their brand identity by conducting searches to ensure proposed trademarks are not already in use, filing trademark applications with the relevant authorities, and helping to enforce trademark rights against infringement. They may also provide legal advice on trademark-related matters and help resolve disputes.

Is it illegal to paint from a photo?

No, it is not illegal to paint from a photo unless the photo is copyrighted and you do not have permission to use it. If you are using your own photos or photos that are in the public domain, you should be fine.

What is the significance of TM in relation to trademark law?

"TM" indicates that a word, logo, or phrase is being used as a trademark to distinguish goods or services in commerce. It signifies that the owner is claiming rights to the mark, even if it is not registered with the trademark office. The symbol is a way to provide notice to others that the mark is being used in a trademark capacity.

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Is it illegal to claim you own a registered trademark?

It would be fraud to make such a claim. Only the owner of the trademark can make such a claim.

What are the exact words on the Bill of Rights?

You can read the Bill of Rights' exact wording at the link below.

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Without a license, yes. Keep in mind the "Deep Note" is also a registered trademark.

What are alternates on WikiAnswers?

"Alternates" or "alternate wordings" are other ways of phrasing the same exact question on WikiAnswers. When an alternate wording is asked on the site, it redirects you to the primary wording of that question. If an alternate wording is mismatched with a primary wording from which it differs, we should "split" it out into a separate question.

What do quotations do in internet searches?

They narrow down your search to the exact wording typed within the quotes.

Is selling replica watches on the internet illegal?

It is if you're using brand logos. It's trademark infringement.

What exactly is the wording of the law which prohibits parents for not enrolling their kids in school?

Because laws are written differently in each state, the exact wording of the law which prohibits parents from not enrollin their kids in school will differ from location to location. When looking for the exact wordiing, it's best to remember the state one lives in to find the exact law in question.

How many people asked this question?

No one has asked that question yet. That question is the only one of its kind so far, and no exact replica has been made of that exact question, exact wording and everything.

Why isn't the exact question you ask on this site?

If a question is not on the site, no one asked it yet, or they did not use the exact wording you used. Just ask your question in the box at the top.

Can you use famous company name for another company?

No, that is called theft of a trademark or copyrighted name. It is illegal to do so.

What is a fixed-formula prayer?

It is a prayer that has an exact, unchanging wording (as opposed to something informal, personal or spur-of-the-moment).

What is fixed formula prayer?

It is a prayer that has an exact, unchanging wording (as opposed to something informal, personal or spur-of-the-moment).