

Best Answer

Yes they will. They are both in the class of drugs classified as BENZODIAZEPINES. You may also want to add the following "Benzo's" [this is the slang for a Benzodiazepine] to the list of this same group of drugs. These will all show up as a Benzodiazepine because they test for the "chemical group".....not the individual Benzo. Below is the Brand, followed by the generic name. I would be careful with these even IF NOT on probation:

Lexotan, bromazepam:

Librium, chlordiazepoxide:

Klonopin, clonazepam:

Tranxene, clorazepate:

Valium, diazepam:

Rohypnol, flunitrazepam:

ProSom, estazolam:

Dalmane, flurazepam:

Paxipam, halazepam:

Dormonoct, loprazolam:

Ativan, lorazepam:

Mogadon, nitrazepam:

Serax, oxazepam:

Doral, quazepam:

Restoril, temazepam:

Halcion, triazolam:

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Q: Does xanax and Ativan show up the same on a probation officers urine test?
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Is Ativan stronger then Xanax?

Ativan can be stronger than Xanax. However, it depends on the milligram dosage. Both Ativan and Xanax are anti-anxiety prescription medications.

Does probation and parole test for xanax when they perform their urinalysis?

i am not 100% but they probobly do, xanax is a benzodiszapine. i am trying to find out what parole officers look for myself.

Will klonopin and xanax show up the same on a urine test for probation and parole?

Yes, itll test positive for benzos.

What is the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepine?

Ativan or Librium. Avoid Xanax.

How long will a low dose of xanax show up in urine drug screen?

I took 7 2mg bars of xanax, and 2 10 mg Lortabs, and had a probation Urine test six days later, and came up clean.

Can standard workplace testing tell the difference between xanax ativan and Klonopin?

They are all 3 Benzodiazapiene so there is now way a standard pee test can tell, even for probation.

Is amitripline in the Benzodine family. and will it show up as a benzodine in a urine drug screen?

No, and the family name is Benzodiazepine. Valium, Ativan, Xanax, and Restoril will show positive.

Is Prozac a benzodiazapine?

No, It is a SSRI. Benzo's are xanax and ativan.

How do you compare strengths of a 1mg xanax to a 1mg Ativan?

I would consider the Xanax much stronger.

Can you mix xanax and Ativan?

A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

You ran out of your 5 Ativan and you are wondering if you csn tske 5 xnax instead?

Ativan and Xanax do NOT have equivalent dosing.So no, .5 ativan does not equal .5 xanax.Also, Xanax tends to be more sedating and faster acting than ativan; it also (for most people) gets out of your system faster.

Can someone take Ativan zoloft and xanax bars at the same time?

can zolof and xanax taken at the same time