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Q: Does yeast grow differently in sunlight than in darkness?
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Related questions

How does darkness affect plants?

they need sunlight to grow and to make there food so they will die if in darkness

Why is darkness better than light for seeds?

because plants need sunlight to grow

What conditions do micro-oganisms like yeast and mould need to grow?

they need heat or sunlight

Will grass grow differently in sunlight than under a grow light?

yes because the sun has more natural nutrients than a grow light

Does yeast need light to grow?

ANY plant needs SUNLIGHT to grow. we cant do without sun. Except for the creatures at the sea bottom.

What lighting does a plant grow best?

Plants all grow differently in different lighting, depending on the plant it could grow best in shade or direct sunlight it all depends on what the plant is.

Do sunflowers have more blooms with sun or darkness?

With sun. They are lovers of sunlight and will not grow well in shaded areas, and will certainly not flower well if at all.

Does a plant grow better with a mixture of daylight and darkness or complete daylight?

Mixture. Plant need sunlight, But not all the time or else they will wilt.

What plant cell would be more affective if sunlight was gone?

All plant cells need sunlight to store energy. Without sunlight a plant would slowly starve to death. If you want to grow something with no light, I recommend a fungus or a yeast.

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Do plants grow better in sunlight or no sunlight?

sunlight because plants can`t grow without sunlight

What is yeast metabolism?

Yeast metabolism is the way yeast breathes or grow.