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no it doesnt HAVE to be on but anyways it takes 6 hours with it on or off.

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Q: Does your ds have to be on while you wait for a Pokemon to come after you put honey on a tree?
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How do you see Pokemon in sweet honey trees?

You cant, but if you put honey on the tree they will come to you.

Where do you find combee in Pokemon pearl?

put honey in a tree and it will come

How long does it take for honey to work?

Six hours after you put honey on the tree, a Pokemon will usually appear. Sometimes the Pokemon will eat the honey and leave though, so you will occasionally come back and find no Pokemon there, but your honey gone. Also, if you leave honey on a tree for too long, then the honey will be eaten and the Pokemon will leave before you can battle it, this happens twenty-four hours after you put honey on the tree.

Can you turn of your NDS while waiting for a Pokemon to come under a honey tree?

Yes, you can. Unless the internal clock of your DS is broken somehow.

What Pokemon come to a tree with honey?

combee, aipom, munchlax and a few others

How do you if there is a rare Pokemon on a honey tree?

A rare Pokemon is on a honey tree when you see the tree shaking. (the more it shakes the rare the Pokemon )

Which trainers have burmy on Pokemon diamond?

None do, you have to put honey on a honey tree then come around 5hours later.

How do you catch munchlax in Pokemon pearl?

You have to rub honey on a Honey Tree and keep on checking after a while and see if it moves.

Where do you find combbee in Pokemon Pearl?

put honey from floaroma town on any golden honey tree, wait a little and then come back to the tree and if it is shaking then there is a Pokemon there. It's usually a combee.

Can you attract a Pokemon with honey on a tree Pokemon diamond?

yes you can. the more honey you put on the tree, the chances a rarer Pokemon will be there.

Can you find Heracross in Pokemon Pearl?

Sometimes you can if you slather a tree with honey and wait for a while.

How do you get a munlax on Pokemon?

You slather Honey on a yellow tree (called a Honey Tree). Come back 23-23 1/2 hours later and "talk" to the tree (press A while facing it). Hopefully a Munchlax will appear, but other Pokémon are much more common, such as Combee.